Our Yarralin School visitors  have left  Yarralin and, at midnight tonight, they will board their plane and fly out of Darwin bound for Melbourne.

As mentioned in the last couple of newsletters, we are looking forward to hosting the 16 children and 4 adults from Yarralin who will, on Friday, travel from Melbourne to Colac.

They are hoping to arrive in time to make a little presentation at the end of our Assembly.  After this the children will take a tour of the school with our Year 6 leaders, visiting the classrooms until recess.

Between recess and lunchtime, the children will join our year 5 and 6 classes in a round robin of sport activities, while the younger grades will participate in art and sport activities with a buddy grade.


For lunch, we aim to share a lunch tasting of beef and kangaroo stew.  The children might still like to bring along their own sandwich on the day, however we usually find there is a great uptake in the tasting.  There will be no lunch orders on this day.


Diversity Dash event

In the afternoon, we will be holding a Diversity Dash or ‘Colour run’, which focuses on color to celebrate diversity and inclusion.  The students will be encouraged to participate in an obstacle course around the school oval.  The obstacle course will be laid out with six colour powder stations. At each of the colour powder stations, runners are doused in vibrant non-toxic colour powder as they run past. 

The Holi Powder that will be used on the day, is a brightly coloured non-toxic powder. The powder is a natural product made out of Maize Starch and vegetable colours. The product is not flour based and is perfectly safe for Celiacs.



Parents of students with lung issues such as asthma are advised to make an informed 

decision based on the color powder profiles that are shown below.  

ColourCICAS No                                        
BlueCI 4209068921 - 42-6
PinkCI 15850 (3)5858-81 - 1
YellowCI 19140:112225-21 - 7
OrangeCI 1598515790 - 07-5/2783 – 94 - 0
GreenCI 19140/CI 4209068921 - 42-6/235 – 428 - 9
PurpleCI 77007/CI 1585057455 – 37 - 5, 67053 – 79 - 6
RedCI 1603525956 – 17 - 6

We will have face masks available for the children to wear, however, if you would prefer your child not to participate in the run, then please let their class teacher know that and they can cheer from the side of the event with their teacher.


What to wear:  

It would be best for the children to wear their sports shorts and an older, larger white or light colored t-shirt under their windcheater/rugby top on the day.  They could then remove the outer layer for the run. 

If the children are leaving school by bus, please pack a small plastic or paper bag so that they can then remove their colored shirt and put their rugby top/windcheater back on for the ride home.  

Mums, dads, carers picking up by car might like to put an old towel in the car for them to sit back on for the  journey home!