Principal's News

Dear Parents and Carers,

This Friday we look forward to our Cultural Day with the children from the Yarralin community this Friday. We hope to make the children feel welcome at our assembly, before they are taken on a tour of our school. The kids will do some art and play sport before  lunch where all children may “try” some Kangaroo or beef stew. After lunch the whole school will take part in a “Colour Run” to celebrate Harmony. All of our students should bring some lunch in case the stew is not to their taste.

Children should all wear their Phys Ed uniform on Friday and  bring a light coloured tee shirt to wear during the “Colour Run”.

During the “Colour Run” the children will be completing an obstacle course whilst being bombarded with non-toxic powdered paint as we celebrate Harmony with our friends from the Northern Territory.

Many thanks to everyone who donated jumpers, jackets and warm tracksuit pants and jeans for the children. They were delivered to Melbourne by a volunteer and will hopefully come in handy this week.

As always parents are welcome to come to assembly on Friday and/or to the “Colour Run” out on the oval after lunch on Friday.


FATHER’S DAY STALL A big “Thank you” to Erica Gleeson and her team for preparing this year’s Father’s Day Stall. Please note the change of days for the purchasing of gifts. We will be opening the Father’s Day Stall on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of this week, given everything that is happening on Friday. Parents are asked to send along $5 on one of these days so that the children may purchase something special for Dad.


BOOK WEEK As always last Wednesday’s Book Week Parade and activities was a huge success. Thank you so much to the many parents and carers who went to so much trouble with costumes etc. It was a lot of fun. Special mention to our Barbie, Ken and the Barbie Baby.

Both Mrs McVilly and Mrs Daffy put so much work into ensuring the children enjoyed their day at school - Thank you both very much.


END OF YEAR DATES I have had a few enquiries from parents about dates recently, particularly about the end of the school year.

I can confirm that the last day for students this year will be Friday December 15th. This will be consistent with all other Catholic schools in the Ballarat Diocese.

School will also be closed on Monday November 6th (Report Writing) and on Tuesday November 7th (Public Holiday).