College News

St Augustine's Day

It was a joy to celebrate the Feast of Saint Augustine as a College and Parish community on Monday. 


The cupcakes (baked by many parent volunteers) were enjoyed by our students prior to Mass. Thank you to those who helped to provide this special treat.


We were thrilled to see so many families join us for a special picnic lunch on the College grounds. 


Saint Augustine of Hippo - Pray for us!

Sock it to the Can 

Last day for donations is next Monday, 4th September


The Sock it to the Can Winter Appeal run by our Catholic Social Teaching Leaders concludes next Monday, 4th September. 


Don't forget to bring your donations of non-perishable items and/or winter woolies to school by Monday.


Please give generously to support Kyabram Vinnies. 








End of Term

Friday 15th September is the last day of Term 3.  School will finish at 2.20pm on this day.


Term 4 will commence for all students on Monday 2nd October.

Whole School Assembly - Friday 8th September

Members of our community are invited to join our students in our Term 3 whole school assembly in the Brigidine Centre at 9.00am on Friday 8th September.

End of Term Community Assemblies - Wednesday 13th September

Families are invited to join our end of term assemblies in the Brigidine Centre on Wednesday 13th September to celebrate our learning  this term:

  • F-4 Community End of Term assembly at 9.10am
  • 5-8 Community End of Term assembly at 10.00am


We pray for Maree McNamara, Daniel, Oliver (Year 10), Nicholas (Year 9) and Isla (Year 7) McCormick and Gabby McNamara (past student) after the recent passing of their mother, mother in law and grandmother, Mary McNamara.


We also pray for the Carver and Costa-Lowe families after the recent passing of John Bowman, step father, father in law and grandfather to Sheree and Corey (staff member), Lachlan (Year 10) and Riley (Year 9) Carver and Rebecca and Tristan, Lacey (Year 9) and Ivy Costa-Lowe.

Lone Pine Ceremony

Our Years 5 and 6 students represented our College beautifully at our annual Lone Pine Ceremony on Wednesday 30th August. 


The ceremony included a wreath laid by Year 6 student, Ava C, whose father has served in the ADF for 20 years. Thomas S (Year 10) wore his ADF Cadet uniform and raised the flag. Some of our Student Leaders led us in prayer and other speeches and our beautiful College Choir sang many appropriate songs. Remi's performance of Travelin' Soldier was a beautiful moment as was the Legacy torch raising. 


A beautiful morning tea was shared following the Ceremony which had to be held indoors due to poor weather. 


'It's going to be hard to beat that next year' 

Gary King, Legatee


'The Student Leaders spoke so well, the music was sensational and the torches wonderful. St Aug's students and staff deserve all of the praise given.'

Gavon Armstrong, Secretary of Kyabram Legacy

St Augustine's Years 7-12 Writing Competition 2023 - closes today

Please Remember School Hats

All students are now required to wear hats when outside at break times and during outside classes.

Students who are not wearing a hat will be asked to sit in undercover areas.


Please remember to send your child's hat to school with them next week.

SOLE Stars

Congratulations to our Weeks 7 and 8 SOLE Stars.


A special mention to Victoria and Hannah in Year 2 who each received two nominations in Week 7 and Cody in Year 6 who was nominated twice in Week 8.


Week 7


Week 8