Year 9 and 10

A peek into year 9 and 10 activities this term

Year 10 Immigration Museum Visit🎭

Year 10 students went on a Literature excursion to the Immigration Museum where they did a creative writing workshop with an artist called Olana. They also visited the State Library. Check out some photos from the excursion below

Year 9 Duke of Edinburgh⛰

The year 9 Duke of Edinburgh students completed a practice journey hike up Mount Macedon. We started off by catching the train to the Macedon train station then made our way up. Students took turns navigating and leading the group. We did take a wrong turn at one stage and added an extra 2 kilometres onto the walk but the students showed great resilience and enthusiasm to complete the walk.

Year 10 OED 🚵🏻‍♀️

The year 10 OED students travelled to the You Yangs regional park to participate in some mountain biking. Whilst there we learnt about a dry forest and the different user groups that utilise the You Yangs. We also looked at human impact on the environment. We split into two groups on the day. One group that pushed themselves to go a bit faster and further. The second group had more of a leisurely ride.

Year 9 Werribee Zoo Visit 🦒

On August 29,  Year 9 students got to experience the Werribee Open Range Zoo. Students started off with an ecosystems tour where they learnt about the Orange-bellied Parrot and the captive breeding program at the zoo which aims to stop them from becoming extinct. Students then got to go on safari and get up close with the giraffes, hippos, zebras, camels and a range of other animals. Students got a taste of the wild and had a fantastic day.

Year 9 Shrine of Remembrance and Music Vault Visit 🏛

Today Year 9’s had a fantastic day in the city learning about Australia's history. Students self-guided their way through Australia’s Music Vault where they saw instruments, costumes, lyric books and other memorabilia from notable Australian musicians. Students exemplified all school values as they were taken on a tour of The Shrine of Remembrance. Students learnt about the impact of the war and the sacrifices Australians made for our freedoms today.


Year 10 Formal

140 students and staff attend the Year 10 Formal at Lakeside Banquet and Convention Centre on Thursday 14th September. The evening was a wonderful way to celebrate the end of Term 3. The evening started with a photo booth and the first round of dancing, there was some top quality performances. Throughout the entree and Dinner, Ms FitzGerald and Mr. Pfitzner presented some awards and the evening concluded with the whole cohort dancing.