Year 7 and 8 

A peek into the student lives of our year 7 and 8 students this term

Year 8 Enhancement 👩🏻‍⚖️


This term our Enhancement class has been developing their numeracy and 21st century learning skills with a Space Science focus. 


They participated in an incursion where they replicated an aspect of work scientists and engineers do on Mars. They worked collaboratively and applied their mathematical skills to problem-solve in designing and coding a path for Sphero robots around obstacles. This activity imitated the work achieved daily by engineers who program robots for data-collecting missions on the surface of the planet Mars!


The students were also fortunate to attend onsite at the Victorian Space Science Education Centre for an excursion. They worked collaboratively as a team and used their problem-solving skills to successfully complete a survey of the Mars surface. 


It was wonderful to see our students demonstrating the Sunbury College values while challenging themselves and having fun in this unique learning experience. Well done to all!


Ms Myroforidis


"We went to the Victorian Space Science Education Centre on Monday for a STEM excursion. We split into two groups where half were astronauts, and the other half were mission controllers. Everyone had their own job such as commanders, physicists, chemists, biologists or geologists and they had to do some research on the Mars surface and the mission controllers were assisting the astronauts through radio headsets.

After lunch, we went into the lab and stayed in those professions. We did research on the samples we collected and answered two big questions, 'What is the past, present and future of Mars?' and 'Why do we care?'

The best bit of the excursion was the immersion into the different roles of astronaut, mission controller and research scientist. I also enjoyed working collaboratively with the other students and problem-solving a real-world application."


Gracie Wilike 8E


Check out some photographs below 👇🏻