STEM @ Sunbury

Highlights from the STEM Program from this term

Science Week 2023!

Sunbury College celebrated Science Week and our students participated in a range of fun learning activities! We had students making lip gloss, programming Lego with MicroBits, doing some ‘magic’ with static and invisible ink and using fire to make rockets!

Well done to all the students who got involved. Thank you to Mrs Crawford, Miss King, Miss Cosoleto, Mr Williams and Dr Daniel for providing these learning opportunities for our students. 


Archaeological Dig with Beginnings Early Learners

During Science Week the kinder children from Beginnings Early Learners visited Sunbury College! Our student leaders did an amazing job teaching the kinder children about being Archaeologists which is an exciting career in the STEM field. The highlight of the visit was the archaeological dig for dinosaur fossils in the sandpit! 

A special shout out to Dr Daniel, Mrs Crawford and Mrs Richardson for the extra effort they went to. An extra special shout out to our student leaders for demonstrating our Sunbury College values and making this a fun and memorable learning experience for the kinder children.


Women in STEM- Future Leaders with RMIT and Kismet Park PS

A group of our students have been working over the last 6 months on a Women in STEM program with RMIT University. This has been a multi-touchpoint program where our students have received mentoring and leadership training by RMIT ambassadors. Our students have been exposed to role models in STEM careers and developed coding skills using MicroBits.


On Monday 11th September, our students put their coding and leadership skills to good use, delivering a workshop teaching grade 5 students from Kismet Park Primary School how to use block-based coding to create a two-person reaction game. It was wonderful to see the grade 5 students working collaboratively to build creative buttons for their games, code the MicroBits and then compete in their groups. 


It has been incredible to watch our Future STEM Leader program participants flourishing throughout the year and they really embodied our Sunbury College values in the workshop delivery to the local primary school students. Well done to all involved.