Year 11 and 12

Updates for year 11 and 12 Students

Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies🏂

Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies students visited Mount Buller. We spent a few hours with the head of sustainability at Mt Buller, who spoke to students about management strategies and threats to the environment. We then headed to Bullersports to get fitted up with our snow gear. The next day,  students began the day with a ski or snowboard lesson before spending the rest of the day downhill skiing. Visibility was very poor with a thick fog covering us for most of the day but everyone had a good time.


Unit 3 and 4 VCE Exam Preparation

Year 11 and 12 Students completing a Unit 3 and 4 VCE subject will finish their school-based assessments by the end of Term 3. For the holidays and the remainder of the year, our focus will shift to exam preparation.


Performing well on exams is essential for students to maximise their study scores in each subject and their ATAR ranking and for that reason, the school is running practice exams and revision lectures on the holidays. We know that attending on these days has a positive impact on students' results.


The times for the exams and lectures relevant to your child are appearing on your child’s Compass schedule.


Unit 3 and 4 VCE Exams

The VCCA exams begin with the English Exam on Tuesday 24 October and will finish with the Japanese Exam on Tuesday 14 November with the Japanese written exam.


Students have been provided with the details of the dates of their exams and these are also available online on the VCAA website.


Year 12 Final Day of Classes

Believe it or not, our Year 12s have less than 20 days of classes left.

The last day of classes is Tuesday 17 October. We will mark this exciting occasion with a special assembly, a lap of honour and a countdown to their final school bell.


Save the Date – Year 12 Family BBQ

Parents and families are invited to attend a Celebration BBQ at school on the evening of Wednesday 18 October. This is a lovely opportunity for students, families and teachers to gather together in an informal setting and mark the milestone. BBQ dinner will be provided. More details will follow via Compass shortly.


Year 12 Graduation

2023 Graduation tickets are now open for sale through Try Booking. Please use the below URL or QR code to buy your allocated tickets.


If you have any queries regarding the organisation of ticketing, please contact the Senior School Team Assistant, Sharee Ainsworth on 9744 1066 (option 2).