Principal's Message

A message from our principal Craig O'Bree

There have been so many reasons to celebrate our fantastic students over the course of this term. I’m so proud of our students and how they continually represent our schools’ values of respect, responsibility, resilience, and endeavour in and outside of school. 


First, I want to celebrate Year 9 student Michaela being awarded the Hume City Council Advocacy Young Leader Award last Thursday at Broadmeadows Town Hall. This is a very significant award and Michaela received the award for her advocacy within our school community for diversity and inclusion.


I applaud Year 12 student Karla for the awareness she has built for breast cancer and the fundraising work she has undertaken through the Step Up to Breast Cancer Challenge. I am looking forward to the Student Leadership Team Term 4 focus on further promoting Breast Cancer Awareness through the National Breast Cancer Foundation. A cause that is very close to home for many in our community.


Congratulations to the Year 8 students who participated in the Game Changers program this term, showing leadership within our community. On a weekly basis, these students have been going to a local kindergarten and supporting the kinder students with reading and other activities. The kindergarten is very appreciative of their care and consideration.


Thank you to our Year 9 female leaders who are part of the Women of STEM Program. Over the last week, they have been teaching coding and robotics to several classes from Kismet Park Primary school. There was much excitement and learning in these sessions and was another great demonstration of the strong student leadership we have at our school.

I want to share my appreciation to the members of QSA group for their organisation of the recent Wear It Purple Day where they promoted a supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ youth.


An area where our students are making our community a better place every day is through their leadership. Leadership comes in many forms and can be as simple as taking a risk in a lesson by answering a question in front of peers, or intervening when a friend needs help. Each act of leadership no matter how small, makes those around us stand up a little taller. 

At Sunbury College we have both formal and informal leadership opportunities for students to develop their own personal leadership attributes and to support their peers and the wider community. These opportunities give voice to students within the school to make the school a more engaging and inclusive environment.


Our School Captains have the important role of representing and advocating for the school and this week all our students voted in elections to select the 2024 Middle School Captains and Sunbury College School Captains. We are very fortunate in that each of the applicants are already role models within the school, each making an outstanding contribution to our school community. 


There are more structured leadership opportunities available at our school. Interested leaders can contribute to the school through leadership in music, sport, STEM, clubs, sustainability, and diversity and inclusion. Even if a student isn’t appointed to one of these positions, they can still join the student leadership team and work towards making our school and even better place to learn. All our student leaders will be involved in our Student Leadership Development Program at the end of the year.


I wish all our families a safe and enjoyable spring break.


Best wishes

Craig O’Bree
