Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Bearman
Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator
Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Bearman
Assistant Principal & Religious Education Coordinator
Loving Lord,
As we prepare to leave for our journey, we pray for travelling mercies over land and sea, and place ourselves under Your protective care.
Be with us as we set out for our holiday, and we ask that You would keep us safe every step of the way, as we journey to our destination.
Go ahead of our route we pray, and we ask that You would prevent any unnecessary hindrances or delays on our travel arrangements.
Guard us from the evil one we pray, and stand guard over our home while we are away. Father, into You hands we commend ourselves and place our lives, our journey and our home into Your safe keeping.
This we ask in Jesus' name, Amen.
First Reconciliation information night - 24th October @ 5:30pm
First Reconciliation - Year 2 - 28th November @ 5:30pm
****Please put this dates in your calendars****
Congratulation to Jorja Gardner who made her First Eucharist on Saturday, 2nd September.