Senior School

Important Academic Dates
Thu 28 September
VTAC Registrations close, Yr 12
Preparing for Unit 3 & 4 Examinations
Unit 3 & 4 VCE Subject Practice Exam Booklets
At the end of Term 3, all Unit 3 and 4 scored VCE students will receive a practice exam booklet for each of their subjects that are bound together for easy use, comprising of between 4-6 practice exams, all of which come with solutions. This booklet is an invaluable resource and vital for students in preparing for their end of year exams. The completion of practice exams is an important and highly effective revision strategy in preparing students for examinations (which are generally worth 50-60% of their overall score).
It is expected all Unit 3 and 4 students complete 4-6 exams prior to each of their end of year examinations. This is the minimum expectation; however, we would expect most students are completing up to 10 or more exams. This resource will be used during structured exam revision classes for the first three weeks in Term 4 and at home when undertaking self-directed revision and study.
Solutions for these practice exams will be accessible on Microsoft Teams in the Year 12 Cohort Team for students to access.
Week 1 of Holidays - Knox Schools Exam Revision Sessions (18 – 20 Sept)
Knox Government Secondary Schools are proud to work in partnership to provide an exceptional Year 12 (plus early start VCE students) End of Year Exam Revision Program for students undertaking VCE Units 3 and 4, at no cost. This program will be conducted face to face between Monday 18 September and Wednesday 20 September, during the first week of the term break. Students have been given the opportunity to sign up for these revision sessions during Week 7 & 8 of Term 3.
All sessions will be held at The Australian Indian Community Centre, 16/18 Kingsley Cl, Rowville VIC 3178. Students will receive physical resources on the day of their session.
To participate students are:
- committing to participation in the program
- meeting individual school attendance and code of conduct requirements
- permitted to wear neat casual clothes for the program
- not permitted to have phones during the sessions and no other potential recording devices
- to remain in attendance for the duration of the session
- to model mature behaviours and be respectful throughout the program
Students are required to bring:
- Writing materials
- Water bottle
- Snacks / food if attending multiple sessions throughout a day
- Health / medical pack if applicable
Week 2 of Holidays - Formal Practice Exams
When: Mon 25 to Thu 28 Sept
(Week 2 of holidays)
Where: Senior Centre including F1, F2, F3 and F4
- Scored VCE students are expected sit and attend a practice exam for each of their Unit 3 and 4 subjects over the three days.
- Students must obtain consent on Compass and complete the sign-up form to indicate their registration for each practice exam. The sign-up form can be found here (students must sign in with Wantirna email): This must be completed by Thursday 14 September.
- Students have the option to complete exams in other sessions outside what is outlined on the practice exam timetable. For example, if students know Physical Education and HHD are scheduled on at the same time in session 1, students are welcome to do one of these exams in another session on the same or different day. This must be arranged with Senior School prior to the holidays by indicating this on the sign-up form by writing the subject name in 'other' on the day / session they want to sit the exam.
- All practice exams will be timed in the same timeframe as external examinations.
- Students must arrive 20mins before each exam session time in neat casual attire.
- Students are required to bring photo ID.
- Students are required to bring all appropriate materials e.g., writing implements, calculator etc to each exam, as specified by VCAA here.
- All students are required to follow exam rules, protocols and processes, as per the VCAA requirements.
- Teachers will provide feedback to each completed exam and/or unpack this exam with students in class during Term 4 scheduled classes. This will be the focus of term 4 classes and therefore it is crucial that students attend practice exams in week 2 of the holidays.
Subject Selection Process:
With all of our Subject Selection Days now complete, parents/guardians should have received an email to confirm their child's preferences for 2024. The email will come from the following email address: In some cases this email has gone to the junk mail folder.
If you have received this email please ensure you view the subjects and sign off to verify them. This needs to be completed by Tue 22 August as this is when Web Preferences close.
Students can also access their preferences by opening the link provided in the email sent from the address above. Again, please note that Web Preferences closes on Tue 22 August.
David Black, Tim Pearson
& Darren Hoogkamer
Senior School Leaders