Parents and Friends Club
Father's Day
Father's Day stall will be held on Friday 1st September.
Raffle tickets have been sent home and winners will be drawn on Friday 1st September. Donations for Father's Day Raffle can be left in the office and will be much appreciated.
How You Can Be Involved
We love having parents involved, supporting our students, and contributing to the school. It's also a great way to meet other parents and make new friends in our community. The Parents’ Club generally meets once a month. All parents are welcome to attend any of its meetings.
The Parents’ Club provides many valuable services for our children. These include:
- special fundraising events for the school including Walkathons, Raffles, Mother’s and Father’s Day Stalls, the colour run, the Fete, Trivia Night, working bees, and whatever else we can think of.
- assistance with various school activities such as the Swimming Program and Athletics
- catering for various school functions including lunch days
- assisting with classroom activities
The Parents’ Club plays an important role in providing feedback to the School Council.
Please support the Parents’ Club and its fundraising activities, so that improvements to the school can continue. Please contact the office if you'd like to find out more about being a member. Any way you can contribute is greatly appreciated!
Working with Children Check (WWCC)
All volunteers are required by law to have this certification before being able to work with children. Simply click here to apply. There is no cost to obtain a volunteer WWCC and the card is valid for 5 years. Apply online, provide a passport photograph, and provide proof of identity. Once you receive your card, please present it to the school office so we can take a copy to retain on file.