Old Collegians

Don McCausland

Don McClausland
Don McClausland

Hi everyone,


As I am writing this segment on Sunday 13th August, I have received a call to let me know that Brian Woodhead passed away peacefully the night before. He was a past student of 1953-54, life member of Old Collegians and has his name on the Honour Wall.


He had been at Murdoch Hospital for a while. Mike Martin & I intended to visit him last Saturday but he deteriorated so quickly that by that time visiting was restricted to family only. We are sorry that we weren’t able to say goodbye and to thank him for being a true loyal friend along the wonderful journey. A small private funeral will be held. I will have details of Brian’s life story for the next edition. 


On behalf of our 1952 to 1956 fellow students, wives, partners and families as well as all members of the Old Collegians, I extend our deepest sympathy and condolences to Pat and family on his passing.

May he Rest in Peace. 

Brian is pictured on the right.
Brian is pictured on the right.


Bob Quin (1954-1955 past student) has been in the Mount hospital for a few weeks. We wish him well in his recovery.


Myself and Sylvia, Mike and Jan Martin, Tim and Eva Flanagan, Warwick Jones. Mel Thomas and Clarrie Simkin attended the College Open Day on August 5th. We displayed our usual Old Collegians memorabilia and artefacts which we are pleased to say are now on display at the College in new cabinets. It was a nice sunny day with a big crowd in attendance, many of whom viewed our display. I’m pleased to say that we now have a few new Life Members whose names will be added to the Honour Wall as well as selling some bumper stickers. 


Brian Woodhead along with Jim Taylor (1946-1947) had donated some metalwork items, Gus Parke (1950-1951), Peter Trigwell (1945-1946) and myself (1953-1954) donated leatherwork, Clarrie Simkin (1953-1954) has donated a book of pressed clover and grasses and Mel Thomas (1953-1954) brought leatherwork and books for the display. We would be delighted to receive any items which past students would like to donate.


A reminder that the 1952-1956 reunion is to be held in Denmark on Saturday October 28th. For us 1953 students, it is 70 years since we first arrived at the Denmark School of Agriculture. Of the twenty-three of us, just 13 are alive today.


As always - get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are: Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694; Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633; Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or myself 0428 526 398, email: hisylvi@bigpond.com.

News from all years of the School/College always welcome.



Don McCausland


Get your name on the honour wall - contact us to have your name added. Contacts are: Wendy Sutton 0419 048 694; Marjorie Morrison 9848 1633; Delys Ravenhill 0427 408 051 or myself 0428 526 398, email: hisylvi@bigpond.com.