Assistant Principal's Page

from Julie's Desk

Wow, it's already Week 8 and as always, lots is happening at CHPS. 

Did you know that this week is Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week?  We are so fortunate at CHPS to have a team of 21 Teacher Aides who support multiple children in every year level across the school in classrooms, Specialist environments and in the yard. Thanks to:  Erin, Linda, Nicole, Carly, Kay, Bianca, Alison, Nathan, Laura, Anni, Britt, Anna, Alyssa, Katrina, Jenni, Tracey, Paula, Lorene, Julie W, Louise F and Kate.  Our school is such a better place for your efforts!

Father’s Day Stall

Thanks CHAPS for all of your work at the Fathers' Day stall on Wednesday. There were lots of very excited children buying gifts for the special people in their lives. Thanks also to Cheyenne and Grace (ES Placement student) who facilitated a sensory-friendly option for those children who find crowds overwhelming. A special mention to Nikky, who was involved in her last ‘stall’ at CHPS.  Your leadership has been amazing in this space.

Uniform Reminder

I have seen a lot of students lately wearing non-logoed items. Please make sure that your children are wearing correct uniform and if you need financial assistance, please contact me for a chat.

Julie Reid  -  Assistant Principal, Wellbeing & Inclusion