Year 2 News 

Jane Earnshaw, Tom Huddleston, Gail Lawson, Natalie Watters

Room 18

This term has been busy for Room 18, beginning with two weeks of swimming lessons. Even when it was cold, we were brave because we know how important it is to learn how to swim using the correct technique.

We celebrated how clever we have become with a ‘100 Days of Learning’ party. All our activities involved the number 100 and one of our favourite activities was writing about, ‘If I had $100’. Who knew how far $100 could stretch……?

Blowing bubbles was fun, as was looking at our glowstick ‘100 Days Brighter’ bracelets with the lights turned off.

It has been wonderful that many children in our classroom have set goals to read chapter books (novels) and are enjoying choosing their books and using our Reading Corner to read for pleasure.

Room 19

It has been a very busy Term 3 in Room 19 so far. Starting off the term with swimming lessons was a great way to get the term started and see all our wonderful classmates again. When the weather has been nice, we have enjoyed some learning outdoors and we absolutely love our new classroom furniture.

We have begun learning about a whole new range of topics in mathematics. Some of these include multiplication, money, mapping as well as chance and data. We have really enjoyed turning these new maths topics into maths games and using those as part of our learning.

In literacy this term, we continued learning about persuasive writing and had to create a persuasive text about which is the better season; Summer or Winter? There are some very persuasive arguments for both sides. Currently, we are writing letters to staff members at the school, and we can’t wait to move on to information reports next week! Thanks for checking in.

Room 22

We have had a smooth start to Term 3. Mrs Watters has loved joining our class. We have been learning about multiplication in maths by practicing repeated addition and making arrays with counters. In reading, we have been learning how to summarise texts and how to self-question using Clouds of Wonder. We have been introduced to some Kimochis which are cute little creatures that are helping us to learn about emotions and getting on with others. In Enquiry Learning with Ms Lawson, we have been finding out about Antarctica. We watched a documentary  about the Antarctic base, and we did research in teams, to make an information poster. Every day we manage to find 5 minutes to practise mindfulness. It is a great way to calm down and help us to focus throughout the day.