In the Classroom

Cross Country

Wild Rivers Alliance Athletic Carnival

GRIP Leadership Conference

School Cross Country

Congratulations to the children who braved the cold conditions to compete in the 2024 school cross country.  The small schools of Woolbrook, Yarrowitch and Niangala came together to run the Walcha Central School course.  


Champions for Niangala on the day were:

10 Year Girl - Valerie Ham and 8/9 Year Boy - Chanse Gibson.


Chanse ran the 2km course so well that he has qualified for the Armidale District PSSA event on Friday 24 May in Armidale.  We wish him well for this.



Wild Rivers Alliance Athletic Carnival

Niangala, Woolbrook and Yarrowitch as the Wild Rivers Alliance joined with the Thunderbolt Alliance of Kentucky, Kellys Plains, Rocky River and Kingstown for the 2024 Athletics Carnival on Friday 10 May.  

By joining forces the children experienced a larger number of competitors and had the chance to meet some new people.  

A great day was had at the Uralla Sporting Complex and we thank the Thunderbolt Alliance for organising and hosting the event (Kentucky & Kellys Plains - conveners 2024).


All of the children are to be congratulated for the way they competed and enjoyed the day.


Champions for the Wild Rivers Alliance were:

Senior Boy - Chaise Gibson

Senior Girl - Arley Olsen (Woolbrook)

Junior Boy - Chanse Gibson

Junior Girl - Lexi McKern (Woolbrook)

Lexi also set two new records - Discus 16.15m (previously 14.64m set in 2011) & Shot Put 6.62m (previously 5.94m set in 2010)


Overall point score for the day and winner of the school trophy went to Woolbrook Public School.


Left to Right - Sebastian holds the Overall Pointscore Trophy (Woolbrook PS), Junior Girl Champion - Lexi McKern, Junior Boy Champion Chanse Gibson, Senior Girl Champion - Arley Olsen & Senior Boy Champion - Chaise Gibson
Left to Right - Sebastian holds the Overall Pointscore Trophy (Woolbrook PS), Junior Girl Champion - Lexi McKern, Junior Boy Champion Chanse Gibson, Senior Girl Champion - Arley Olsen & Senior Boy Champion - Chaise Gibson



GRIP Leadership Conference

As school captain for 2024, Chaise attended the GRIP Leadership Conference held in Armidale on Monday 13 May.  Chaise joined 21 other schools at this event.  

The day involved sessions on

Topic 1: How Everybody Can Step Forward and Lead

Topic 2: The Sacrifices of a Student Leader

Topic 3: Stepping Forward with New Ideas

and finished with

The Extra Steps - Doing the Things that Leaders Often Forget

Q&A with GRIP Leadership Team.

During these sessions a GRIP Leader lead the discussions and encouraged the children to think about what roles they have in their schools and how they can expand on the ideas already established or come up with new ones.

Students spent time writing what is working at my school and then were up on their feet swapping ideas - new & old - with the other participants.

The learning side of the conference had the counter balance of the LOUD NOISE BOYS who were all about fun and yes LOUD NOISE!

The GRIP team encouraged the students to be up on stage and a part of the presentation.  

Generosity Responsibility Integrity Perseverance


"There are no failures, only learning experiences"