Will it ever rain again!


With no rain forecast and the last drop falling late September, yes late September, it is quite ironic to be having capital works completed for flood mitigation.


After successfully gaining funding, the local plumbers, Fielders, have installed another four soaks across the Trades laydown area. The works also extends into the Wet Trades Construction area and should, in theory, alleviate flooding. Improved drainage will support class delivery through the winter months and help provide a functional learning environment.


We hope to see some rain soon to vindicate the installation and more importantly for all our agricultural industry.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

All students are expected to be prepared for Trades classes. This includes meeting the Trades uniform requirements and providing their own eye and hearing protection. Students can purchase safety glasses, gloves and hearing protection through the Trades staff if required.


The Trades staff welcome you to contact the college and speak to any of the friendly trainers at any time with regard to your child’s progress.