Year 12 Externally Set Tasks (ESTs)

As a requirement of the WACE, all students studying Year 12 general courses are required to sit a state-wide Externally Set Task, worth 15% of the overall grade in each general subject they are undertaking.

Externally Set Tasks allow for:

  • students across the state to be compared on the same task
  • Schools Curriculum Standards Authority to compare our students’ results in the EST with those received from their school-based tasks.


EST Schedule

Monday 6th May – Period 3&4 (Animal Production Systems)

Wednesday 8th May – Period 1&2 (English)

Monday 13th May – Period 1&2 (Plant Production Systems)

Wednesday 15th May – Period 3&4 (Mathematics Essentials)


Please note: All students within the school must sit the same EST at the same time.  Please avoid these class days when making appointments that can be made for an alternative day. It is critical that students take these tests seriously. Students will continue to prepare for their ESTs over the next three weeks. Students should ensure they are confident with the content that could be covered in the EST for each subject and seek extra assistance from staff with they are unsure of any concept.