Student & Subject Spotlight

Student Spotlight: Eli Hill
Over the holidays Year 11 student, Eli, tried out for the Tasmanian Under 23 Men’s state volleyball team and was successful. Eli will travel to Adelaide in July to compete in the national competition. This is a significant achievement for a 17-year-old! We can't wait to hear all about this experience when he returns and hope all his training goes well in the lead up to the event. Congratulations, Eli!
Subject Spotlight: Year 10 Excursion to the Creation Discovery Centre
Last week, Year 10 students embarked on an awe-inspiring journey to Beauty Point, where they immersed themselves in the wonders of nature. They explored the intricacies of seahorses, using their senses to unravel the mysteries of these fascinating creatures. The platypus house was an exciting highlight where the students were introduced to curious monotremes such as platypuses and echidnas.
Students were challenged by Craig Hawkins at the Creation Discovery Centre to think critically and question current worldviews regarding the universe's creation and life on planet Earth. The students were presented with scientific evidence for a universal flood and a Designer. The perfect weather, with blue skies all day, set the scene for a truly enjoyable and enlightening experience.