From the Principal

Today, you would have received our Board Chair’s email regarding the relaunch of a streamlined and focussed LCS Strategic Plan for 2024-2025. Margaret Dingemanse’s letter explains the journey we've been on around the strategic plan, but I thought I'd answer two questions for the community: why launch a refocused strategic plan, and what is it?
Well, one reason is to acknowledge the amazing accomplishments over the last three years. We thank God for the significant amount of the 2020 strategic plan that has been completed. But there are still initiatives that haven't yet been completed, or even started. As a result, we now have a focused and prioritised strategic plan that is designed to guide and provide clarity as we move forward as a school. These strategic initiatives are in the service of the glory of God and enable us to fulfil our school mission and to see the vision that we have for our school to become a reality.
Strategic plans are important because that is the way that we see the school mission achieved. As you can see from the diagram, we have identified areas of our school with a strategic focus: governance & leadership, infrastructure, student wellbeing, teaching & learning, and culture & community. The allocation of resources into those areas we balance and effectively resource various initiatives.
I am thankful for the board and the leadership team that have been involved in this refocusing. I am excited to share that as we start to create a new strategic plan for 2026 that we will be seeking community, student, and teacher/staff engagement in that process.
So going forward, I'm excited to be closing out the current strategic plan in this manner and during 2025 to be working on a new strategic plan with the LCS community for Launceston Christian School. Coinciding with our 50th year, this is a significant event in the life of a school. Please keep the people and process in your prayers as we continue moving the school forward, and may God continue to bless their work and labours.
Yours in Christ,
Stuart Kent