Learning Diversity 

Vira Pirrotta


St. Fidelis believes partnering with families is the foundation for developing respectful, collaborative relationships and a supportive school community.  Within this context, all learners are known and understood and provided opportunities to engage in enriching learning experiences. We are committed to achieving the highest standards for each learner in our care.  


Inclusive learning experiences are designed to eliminate discrimination, actively engage all students in learning, and focus on growth and progress for all. To ensure all learners are catered to, teachers utilise high-impact, evidence-based pedagogical practices to ensure students receive the appropriate level of support, instruction, and adjustments to be successful. These adjustments and support are documented on a student’s Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) and discussed at a Program Support Group (PSG). 


Which students have a PSG?

The school will establish a PSG where a student's academic, social, emotional, behavioural, cultural, health, or well-being needs require it to guide the planning and implementation of inclusive educational practices.

A PSG may be established for your child:

  • If your child is receiving extensive adjustments/interventions to their education program 
  • If your child receives less extensive adjustments/interventions to their education program, this program still requires monitoring and evaluation. 
  • When there have been unexpected and critical changes to circumstances in your child’s life 
  • When there have been unexpected changes to your child’s learner profile (including how they learn) 
  • In response to needs identified by you or the school 
  • In response to needs diagnosed by a medical or allied health specialist. 
  • When your child is first enrolled at the school or when the need arises. 

What is a Program Support Group? 

A Program Support Group (PSG) is a partnership between the student, parent/guardian/carer(s), school representatives and, where relevant, invited professionals who work together to ensure coordinated support for the student’s needs. A PSG aims to ensure that those with the most knowledge of and responsibility for the student work together to establish shared goals for the student’s program. 


The PSG meets for students with learning adjustments so that group members can discuss Personalised Learning Plans, adjustments and interventions that reflect a common understanding of the student’s academic, social, emotional, behavioural, cultural, health and well-being strengths and needs. 

Program Support Group work together to:

  • Identify and articulate the student’s academic, social, emotional, behavioural, cultural, health and well-being strengths and needs
  • Utilise the collected data to determine and prioritise areas for growth and progress
  • Review and evaluate growth and progress toward previously agreed-upon goals and determine further goals and actions that may be required. 
  • Seek independent specialist advice to clarify your child’s needs and make appropriate adjustments. 
  • Discuss adjustments implemented to support student learning.
  • Work together to develop plans, adjustments and interventions for your child’s education program.
  • Identify your child’s needs and discuss the data and information (e.g. from school assessments or reports from health professionals) to plan adjustments, interventions, or supports and strategies. 
  • Develop and review educational and other plans for your child, including personalised learning, behaviour support, safety, medical management, health, and cultural plans. 

The Catholic Education Victorian Commission Parent Guide to Program Support Meetings is attached for further information. 


Parents, PSGs will begin from Week 4 to Week 6. Please look out for an email with a booking link and further information.