From The Principal's Desk

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome to Week 2 of Term 2.  Last week we celebrated the opening of the History murals in our school. We began the opening with a smoking ceremony outside, followed by a presentation inside our stadium recognising the key people who were involved in this project This key information our Australian History sits proudly in our school and is one we hope our students can enjoy for many years to come.


This week has seen the commencement of our Art competition that was introduced last year and this year the focus is on Utopia. Our students thoroughly enjoy showcasing their Art and it is such a wonderful way for our students to express themselves.


This Thursday our nation celebrates ANZAC Day, however for our school it will look different to the way it has been done in the past.  In the past we have had our JSC students walk down Sturt St to involve themselves in the ANZAC ceremony. As of this year all schools are only permitted 2 student representatives per school, which will be our JSC captains.


On Friday our teachers will be participating in professional development on handwriting.  Writing has been a successful focus in our school for many years due to our collaboration with Ann Angelopoulos (Writing expert and consultant). This day will be a student free day and provide a short break for the students before we look to embark on Assessment weeks in 2 weeks.



Our lunchtime programs continue to operate each day.  Here are some of our students deep in concentration in the Chess club, which is open every Tuesday.


Enrolments  Prep 2025

We are able to commence tours for Preps 2025.  If you have a sibling to enrol or know of someone who is looking to enrol, ENROLMENT APPLICATIONS ARE DUE by Friday 26th July.  This date has been set by the Department and was introduced this year.

Our tours of the school run every Wednesday and Friday at 11.30am and our school leaders take parents and prospective students on a tour of the school campus and meet back with Mr Phillips.


If you do not require a tour you can request a pack or complete the application online.

School Update:


Week 2

  • Art competition is open to the students.
  • Wednesday 24th April was our whole school Cross Country event at school.
  • Thursday ANZAC Day (Public Holiday)
  • Friday 26th April is the whole school Curriculum Day (student free day)

Week 3

  • Friday 3rd May is our Mother’s Day stall. 


Week 5

  • Thursday 16th May is School Photo Day 
  • Friday 17th May is Special Person’s Day that runs from 9.00 - 10.30am
  • Friday 17th Book Fair 8:45-10:30am

Week 7

  • Tuesday 28th May - this is a Student Report Writing day and no students attend this day. 

Week 10

  • Monday 17th June - Reports are posted on Compass.

Week 11

  • Tuesday 25th June - Parent teacher interviews from 2.00pm -6.00pm and students finish school at 1.30pm.
  • Friday 28th June - Last day of school and school finishes at 1.30pm 


Uniform Policy

Below is an updated picture of students wearing our correct school uniform. One aspect of the school dress code is regarding hair length for both girls and boys. The uniform policy does state “shoulder length hair is to be tied back” as in example below of an AFL player. This applies to both girls and boys. There is also a section dedicated to jewellery and cosmetics. This can be found on our school website. You will see that our uniform policy is very similar to our main feeder school Phoenix College.  One adjustment we have made is to allow nose rings that are studs that accommodate any safety concerns..   


If you have any questions, please come and see a member of the Leadership team.   

Linked below are the uniform policies.


Mobile phone policy

As you may be aware, the Mobile Phones – Student Use policy for Victorian government schools came into effect in Term 1 2020. This policy requires students to switch their phones (this includes the use of smart watches being disabled) off and securely store them during the school day.


The policy is designed to support teaching and learning, promoting learning environments that are free from unnecessary distractions. The policy also aims to increase physical activity and socialisation at recess and lunch times. A Review of the policy found that it has reduced the use of mobile phones during school hours, with a range of benefits noted by principals and teachers.


Below is our policy that can be found on our website.

Mobile Phone policy



Hannah McGuire’s funeral 

On Monday 29th April we will have 58 staff (majority) attend the funeral.  We have support from a number of schools to ensure we can run the school effectively on the day. Offers of staff support from: 

Phoenix College, Newington PS, Miners Rest PS, Ballan PS, Lucas PS, Macarthur St PS,  Mt Clear PS, Department of Education, Black Hill PS, Buninyong PS,  Lumen Christi, Canadian Lead PS, Meredith PS


Therefore, the school will not be closing on this day and the majority of our staff will be with their classes up until 1.00pm. We have adjusted lunch to occur at 1.00pm on this date and will have staff from other schools attending on site to plug the gaps. Lunch break will finish at 2.00pm and students will head back into their classrooms to finish the day.


Should you wish to collect your child at 1.00pm or 2.00pm on this day due to the school having a skeleton staff, you are welcome to.


Thanks again – Scott, Marnie, Stephanie and Michael