Grade 5/6

Miss Stephan and Mr Ward, supported by Mr Reid


Mentor text - "Young Dark Emu" - Bruce Pascoe

In Young Dark Emu -A Truer History

Bruce Pacoe uses the diaries of early explorers and colonists to show us the Australia where Aboriginal people built houses, built dams and wells, and, productively, farmed the land.

Over the first two weeks, students have been learning why it is important to ask questions while we read. This helps us to understand what we are reading, show interest in the topic and  gives us sense of the meaning of the story. 

We can ask questions before, during and at the end. Here is some of our students questions  during whole class reading of the book.


Taylah "Why can't the Europeans share with the Aboriginal people?"

Cooper "How does the Aboriginal people harvest in the dirt?"

Bella "Why did the British hate the traditional people of Australia?"

Chloe "Why did the Europeans destroy their villages?"


Numeracy - Big Idea

We have taken a new and exciting approach to our numeracy of late. Students have been exploring how numbers can be infinite through decimals, integers, fractions and a lot more. 

Trav - Has been exploring patterns when using multiplication and division. Currently looking at how patterns form. Examples are 

1 ÷ 9

2 ÷ 9

3 ÷ 9

What's the pattern happening?

210 × 11

211 × 11

212 × 11

Again, what's the pattern?


Ben - Has been exploring everything decimals and number lines. Looking at place value, rounding, converting and placing on number lines. 



Term 3

Monday 5th August - Friday 9th August

The count down is on, students are currently learning about Canberra and our Government in our Integrated Studies. We look forward to plenty of discussions around our nations capital and why it is such an important city.


We will be visiting the War Memorial, and we ask that parents have discussions with their child about the memorial, especially if you have past relatives whose name might be on the remembrance walls. They will have the opportunity to locate these names!