Grade 1/2 Learning Community

Mrs McBride, Mrs Dallas & Mrs Bray, with special help from Miss Jenni, Mrs Harrison and Mrs Novinec


Students are beginning their learning for the day in fluid phonics groups. Year 2 students are working with Mrs Dallas and Mrs Bray, whilst Year 1 students are working with Mrs McBride. The 1/2 classes have been building our vocabulary walls in preparation for working with this term's mentor text. Our focus words this week have been; magnificent, examine, antennae, pummel, not-right things, finest moment. 


We have begun his term with a focus on Measurement. We have been busy learning how to read calendars, ordering the days of the week, and learning the months of the year. If your child is in 1/2 B, ask them to sing the days of the week song or the months of the year song. 

Integrated studies

We have begun our unit on growing wiser and older. We started by looking at what makes each of us unique, right down to our fingerprints!


We have discussed how we have changed since we were born, and the different items that are used to keep a baby safe; such as cots, car carriers, highchairs, and safe toys. 


The unit then focuses on; healthy food, expressing our emotions, dealing with conflict, and how we can stay safe throughout our lives while taking responsible risks.