
Student of the Week Award Winners-Week 2

Student of the Week Awards - Week 3

FJ - Max P

FMM -  Domino K

1/2S - Baxter H

1/2T - Juliet C

1/2K - Edward G

3/4L - Francesca DN

3/4J - Daisy T

3/4S - Billise H

3/4B - Mia K, Heyshan B and Salwa

5/6J -  Kally P

Birthdays Week 3

Happy Birthday to ......

Michael, Jara, Rahma, Theo, Harper, Eva RQ, Charlie H, Isaac H

Student Learning- Foundation

This week in Foundation we have been exploring addition. We are experimenting with lots of different ways we can show our thinking when solving problems. Using materials, like counters and blocks, can be helpful for finding solutions. Here is FJ using a part-part-whole circle strategy to clearly write what they have found. 

Here is some fanatastic writing  work from FMM, practising letter formation, capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

And some addition bouquets!