Message from the Principal Team

Week 3 Term 2

We’ve had another fantastic week at Carlton North Primary School. Congratulations to all of those students in years 3 to 6 who attended District Cross Country today and demonstrated the school value of Resilience as they competed against students from other schools. Our Year 1/2 students are very excited to attend their first excursion for 2024 at Scienceworks next Tuesday.


It’s great to see our students excited to be back at school after the holidays and getting stuck into their learning.


Shout Out to Marco 34S

We would like to acknowledge the dedication that Marco demonstrates to his membership on the Student Representative Council. Marco regularly stays behind after assembly to pack up the sound equipment and lectern. Thanks, Marco, for exhibiting our school value of Respect!


Parent/Carer Consent for Excursions

This is a friendly reminder that the CNPS Camps and Excursion Policy states that should a parent/carer not provide consent for their child to attend an excursion or camp by 3:30 pm the day prior, the student will not attend the camp or excursion and will remain at Carlton North Primary School until either the end of the excursion or school day. The student will be placed within another supervised class or will be supervised by the Principal or Assistant Principal. The parent/carer will be contacted as soon as practicable to inform them of this. Carlton North Primary School staff will attempt to obtain consent from parents/carers up to the close of school on the day prior to leaving for an excursion or camp. They will not attempt to seek consent beyond this time. 


Unfortunately, the school is not in a position to call parents and carers on the day of an excursion to follow up on consent. Teachers are busy organising student medications and first aid kits to take with them, and our office administration staff do not have the capacity to call parents before school. We appreciate the ongoing support of our school community in providing quality educational experiences for all our students.


Financial Help for Families

Carlton North Primary School will make all efforts to ensure that students are not excluded from excursions, incursions or camps for financial reasons. Families experiencing financial difficulty are invited to discuss alternative payment arrangements with the Principal and Business Manager. The Principal and Business Manager can also discuss family eligibility for the Department’s Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF), which provides payments for eligible students to attend school activities, including camps and excursions.  Applications for the CSEF are open to families holding a valid means-tested concession card or temporary foster parents and are facilitated by the school. Further information about the CSEF and the application form are available at Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.  


Late to School - Every Day Counts




Attitudes to School Survey

During the next few weeks we will be conducting the Attitudes to School Survey with our students in Years 4 to 6. This is a statewide survey issued by the Department of Education and it provides great data on how we as a school are supporting the wellbeing needs of our students. The Positive Behaviour Support and Respectful Relationships (SWPBS/RR) Team will analyse this data and determine the future work across our school to ensure that we have happy, healthy students who are ready to learn. 



Yarra Darebin Network - Principal Network

This morning Erin and Rachel attended the Yarra Darebin Principal Network meeting. The focus for the meeting was examining Mathematics Anxiety in both students and teachers. The following TED Talk video provides an excellent explanation of the impact of Maths Anxiety on student learning and strategies that may assist when approaching Maths in the future.