Principal's Report

Bush Dance

I am sure all in attendance at the Bush Dance on 27th March  would have agreed it was a fabulous, fun event for all involved – the students had a ball and all the adults loved watching the children dance! A massive thank you to Tom Pitts, Ilsa Cook and Tyler Trevaskis for all their work, prior to and at the Bush Dance!  With the Book Sale and Bush Dance combined, $3346 was raised for Stride for Sue as part of the Mother's Day Classic fundraiser – great work Gardenvale!


School Council

On Tuesday 26th March, the new School Council voted in its office bearers and welcomed the new members of our School Council. I am pleased to announce that Nicky Martin has been elected as the new School Council President and Tricia Ciampa has been elected as the new Vice- President. Darren Krawitz will continue the great work he does as our School Treasurer. 


Our outgoing School Council members Ray Becher, Danny Lewkowitz, Ali Rehn and Greg Scher, are owed an enormous thanks for their contribution to the school over many years, particularly in the areas of Finance, Out of Hours Care, Centenary Celebrations and Communications. The work they have so passionately initiated will contribute to the school improvement agenda.


Gardenvale Primary School has been blessed to have Tricia Ciampa as our School Council President for the past 2 years.  Tricia’s dedication and commitment to her role and her consultative and inclusive approach has ensured a very successful, united and productive School Council.  Tricia’s passion for our school has always been clear and we are so grateful for the time she dedicates to our school and for her invaluable support and her wise and thoughtful counsel. 


Road Safety

At our last School Council, a lengthy discussion took place once again in relation to parking and road safety issues that constantly occur at both the Junior and Senior Campus, before and after school.  These issues are not new and have been discussed and written about in our Newsletter for years.  Disappointingly after the Bush Dance a grandparent, on returning to her car with her grandchildren, was confronted and verbally abused by one of our parents. This was a very distressing situation for a grandmother simply collecting her grandchildren from school. For the safety of our whole School Community and local neighbours we are strongly requesting that our parent and carers be respectful and do the right thing when they are delivering or collecting their children to or from school. 


ANZAC Day Assembly

Our special ANZAC Day Assembly will be held on Wednesday 24th April.  This whole school ANZAC Day assembly will take place at 9.15 at the Senior Campus, under the COLA.  We will pay our respects and remember those who have served our country in war and made the ultimate sacrifice to protect and preserve the freedoms we enjoy today. Parents are welcome to attend this special assembly.


Pupil Free Days

School Council has approved the dates for the following two Curriculum Days:

  • Thursday 30th May – Student Assessment and Reporting Day 
  • Tuesday 6th August - The teaching staff will have a full day professional development workshop on refining our Instructional Model 

The days will be pupil free. Team Kids will run full day programs.


Have a lovely week.

Janine Hall