Mission News

Mrs Anna Nasr


We welcome and give thanks to God for the safe arrival of baby Avaya Harris, daughter of staff member Jackson Harris. We also welcome Francis, a son born to staff member Julia Wilken. May God keep these new lives in the palm of his hands.


We pray for all those in our community who are mourning the loss of loved ones, that they may be comforted in their grief. May those who have gone before us rest in God’s everlasting peace. Amen.



 Mass Times

Wednesday Morning - 8:00am

Friday 1st Break - 11.45am


Gospel and Reflection

Excerpt from John 15:1-8


Jesus said to his disciples:

'I am the true vine, and my Father is the vinedresser.

Every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away,

and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more…


As Christians, we recognise that as “branches of the vine” we are part of a family connected to God through Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit. We also know that, regardless of creed or culture, we are part of an interconnected human family. World religions have a critical role in walking the path to peace. Sadly, we have seen how violence in the name of extremist religious ideology can lead to further division rather than peace and unity. Yet there is always hope. 


On Saturday evening, I attended an interfaith vigil in Brisbane Square along with Year 12 students Remy Versace, Max Bathersby, Nick Marco, George Bishop and Jack Lowe. Prior to the Vigil, over the course of the day, more than 50 faith and community leaders read aloud the names of the thousands of children who have died in Gaza and Israel since the previous interfaith vigil, which was held in October.


Remy was asked to recite a prayer for the people of Gaza. Our boys were respectful and received many beautiful comments for being there as part of an Inter-faith gathering to pray for those who have died, those who are hostages, those in need of medical care and food, those who are living through displacement and war, those who need our prayers.


The prayers offered on Saturday were from religious leaders of many diverse faith traditions and were recited in many languages. The prayer I share below was read in English by Ven Lozang Lhagsam, a Buddhist nun. This was Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama’s favourite dedication:

May all beings everywhere, Plagued by sufferings of body and mind, 

obtain an ocean of happiness and joy, by virtue of my merits. 

May no living creature suffer, commit evil or ever fall ill. 

May no one be afraid or belittled, with a mind weighed down by depression. 

May the blind see forms, and the deaf he sounds. 

May those whose bodies are worn with toil, be restored on finding Repose. 

May the naked find clothing, the hungry find food, 

may the thirsty fine water, and delicious drinks. 

May the poor find wealth, those weak with sorrow find joy;

May the hopeless find hope, constant happiness and prosperity. 

May there be timely rains, and bountiful harvests. 

May all the medicines be effective, and wholesome prayers bear fruit. 

May all who are sick and ill, quickly be freed from their ailments. 

Whatever diseases there are in the world, may then never occur again. 

May the frightened cease to be afraid, and those bound be freed, 

May the powerless find power, and the people think of benefiting each other. 

For as long as space remains, 

For as long as sentient beings remain, until then, may I too remain, to dispel the miseries of the world.


Mary our good mother                         pray for us

St Marcellin Champagnat                    pray for us

St Mary of the Cross MacKillop          pray for us

And may we always remember           to pray for one another

Amen. +


Mother’s Day Evening Mass

The College warmly invites all mums and/or mother-like figures and their sons to the Marist College Ashgrove Mother’s Day Mass next Wednesday 8 May from 7.00pm. Guests are invited to share the Eucharist together and celebrate the bond between mothers and their sons at this special occasion. Supper will follow.

Tickets: Tickets are free for families, for catering purposes please register your interest.

Mother's Day Evening Mass 2024 | Humanitix

For further information please contact the Jenna Harding, hardingj@marash.qld.edu.au

Anzac Day Liturgy Reflection and Thanks

Last Wednesday we held our annual Anzac Day Liturgy to acknowledge the sacrifices made by our servicemen and women.


We were fortunate to have three members of the Australian Army with us, including Major Paula Vetter, Corporal Aaron Passfield, Bugler and Musician Aiden Staines on the drums.

We were honoured to have Major Paula Vetter give the Occasional address. Major Vetter has served in the Australian Army for over 28 years and began her career with eight years of soldiering employment in Garrison and Operational environments including a deployment to East Timor. In 2005 Major Vetter was commissioned to the rank of Lieutenant. Highlights of Major Vetter’s commissioned appointments have been: commanding a deployable health company, being part of the ADFs new workforce framework design development and implementation and mentoring and providing welfare supporting many soldiers and officers.


Major Vetter provided an inspiring and reflective voice in our liturgy, and we are blessed to have her as an MCA Mum and Vice President of our P&F.


A special mention to our 4 cadets - Cadet Corporal Jack Lowe AAFC, Leading Cadet Daniel O’Sullivan AAFC, Cadet Under Officer Hamish Locke AAC, Cadet Petty Officer David Plater ANC, these young gentlemen marched in proudly wearing their uniforms and assisted with the ceremonial parts of the Liturgy. It was a real treat having them as part of the day and we hope to have more cadets involved in next year's Liturgy.


Finally, thank you to our dedicated music team led by Dr Andrew Butt, Alison Braidwood and Melanie Stewart for arranging the music with both the Marist and Mt St Michael’s Choirs, it was a highlight of both the Liturgy and the service at Ashgrove.

Lest we Forget.


Marist Leaders Connect Night

On Friday after school, a group of our Marist Year 12 student leaders arrived at Mt Maria College Mitchelton to enjoy a leadership connect night. They were joined by student leaders from schools that share our Marist charism: Mt Maria College Mitchelton, Mt Maria College Petrie, Trinity College Beenleigh and Carmel College Thornlands. It was a wonderful opportunity for the students not only to play some fun games, but to talk to their peers about what has been achieved in their school communities and what they are aspiring to. Our boys represented Marist Ashgrove with respect and enthusiasm. Many thanks to Mt Maria Mitchelton for hosting such a great evening.



Once a month we are now taking a group of seniors to work at FareShare Chairty Kitchen. FareShare’s mission is twofold: they cook up surplus food from Coles, Woolworths, Foodbank etc. – food that would otherwise be thrown away – into healthy and delicious meals for vulnerable Queenslanders. 


Thank you to Jesse Pattel-Brown, Tom Grinham, Daniel Cusack, Henry Purcell, Kalen Neville, George Bishop and Ashleigh Bishop who prepared 974 meals on the Tuesday of Week 10, bringing our total to 4107 meals for the year.


If you are over 16 and would like to volunteer for FareShare, please email Ms Kathryn Badini at badinik@marash.qld.edu.au

Emmanuel City Mission

The Marist College's MATES program is partnering with Emmanuel City Mission in south Brisbane to support the vulnerable in our community. Emmanuel City Mission provide meals, shower and washing facilities, clothing and toiletry packs, and a place where visitors can feel safe. Marist College hopes to partner with Emmanuel City Mission by sending students to the centre to cook a meal for their visitors and share conversations. The centre relies on donations from the community and has asked the college to sponsor the meals that our students will make. Sponsorship of each meal ranges in price from $300 to $350.


If you are a company owner or worker who would be willing to help the College regularly sponsor a meal or part thereof, please reach out through our mates@marash.qld.edu.au email. We would hope to send students to the centre and sponsor a meal at least once a month. Your contribution will directly impact those in need and support our students' service-learning journey. To sponsor a meal or learn more, contact us at mates@marash.qld.edu.au.

St Vincent de Paul and the Environment Group

Come along Thursday morning from 8:00am to grab a delicious burger for only $4.50.


Vinnies and the Environment Group meetings will continue this Thursday during break 1B in Room 801. All students are welcome.

Stationery Aid

We’d love to see helper in Room 801 on Friday mornings to help out with cleaning and sorting stationery for Stationery Aid. Come along from 7.30 – 8.20am and earn yourself some MATES points while you’re there!


Meanwhile, Stationery Aid donations will be gratefully received. Please use the blue bins provided outside the Mission Office.


For more information about Stationery Aid visit the website: https://stationeryaid.org/