Learning and Teaching News

Ms Jen Smeed and Mrs Roxanne Rosenberg

The Academic Care Team will return to normal duties this week with the return of Jen Smeed.  Please see the contact details below.

We take this opportunity to thank Kathryn Badini for her role as the curriculum leader for Senior Years Academic Care since the start of the school year.  Her diligence and leadership with our boys across Years 10-12 was invaluable. 

Year 12 Unit 3 Reports

Year 12 Unit 3 reports will be released this week. This Report Card can be accessed via the Parent Portal (see instructions below) alongside any assessment completed and relevant feedback. Please use this opportunity to discuss your son’s progress to date and opportunities for improvement throughout Unit 4.



Academic Interviews for each Year 12 student will be held from Thursday 23 May where discussion around your son’s performance and progress will occur. More information about booking these interviews will be emailed in the coming weeks.

Year 11 Exam Block


The Year 11 Exam block schedule was released last week. 


Year 11 students will be granted study leave (to study at home and only come to campus for scheduled assessments). Any Year 11 student not up to date with all required assessment items will not be granted study leave and must remain at school. This includes meeting checkpoints for modules in Certificate and Diploma courses.

Year 7 Tutoring 

Just a reminder that our Year 12 Academic Captains are running tutoring for the Year 7 boys on Wednesday afternoons (3:15pm-4:15pm) in Room 105. We encourage students to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity, as our Year 12 leaders share their wisdom and support for our Year 7 students. 

Old Boys Maths Tutoring 

It is wonderful that we are able to continue to offer Maths tutoring every morning in Room 402 from 7:40am-8:30am.  We have a wonderful group of Old Boys who return each morning to support our boys with their Maths. Any boy from Years 7-12 is welcome to attend.

Old Boys Tutoring List  

Please find here a list of Old Boys who are available to tutor your son outside of school hours.  This list can also be located on the parent portal or via this link.  Please note it is the parent’s responsibility to organise and liaise tutoring times with the Old Boys.   

Marist Reading Night

In 2023 we held our first Father/Son Reading Night. It was a brilliant initiative that saw over 200 fathers and sons across Years 7 and 8 gather to listen to an author and read alongside each other. The evening finished with shared pizza and drinks.


We are holding this event again on Tuesday 14 May at 6:00pm in the Champagnat Centre. Tickets for this event will be released this week.  Please keep an eye on your inbox.

Year 8 Extension Class – Science 

Our Year 8 Extension Science class have been delving into the captivating realm of chemical change and states of matter through practical experiments.

Throughout this term, our budding scientists have been immersed in hands-on activities, uncovering the mysteries of chemical reactions and the transformation of matter. From captivating demonstrations to interactive experiments, students have been actively exploring the fundamental principles of chemistry, igniting their curiosity and passion for scientific inquiry. 


Academic Goal Setting 

Our boys are reminded to reflect on their academic goals during Term 1 in Pastoral Group as they start to assess this term. They are welcome to revisit these as they have been stored in the Learning Analytics platform. Goal setting is an important step in academic achievement as it allows the boys to reflect on their study habits, and how to manage time effectively. In addition, the Academic Care Team has been regularly meeting with students to discuss their academic progress and through Academic Care Interviews.

School Tutoring Opportunities 

Tutoring is available for all students, and outlined below are faculties where you can receive assistance:






Every morning




Tuesday & Thursday


Science Foyer



3:30pm - 4:30pm

Art rooms


Every morning



*Other faculties by appointment with the classroom teacher.