From Your P&F

Parents of Neurodiverse Learners

The Parents of Neurodiverse Learners Group are having a dinner meet-up on Saturday 4 May from 6:00pm. Contact Michelle Lawson via the Marist Parents and Carers Facebook page, or email, to join the Parents of Neurodiverse Learners Group and RSVP for the dinner.

Term 2 General Meeting - Monday 13 May 7:00pm

The Term 2 P&F meeting will be held Monday 13 May at 7:00 pm at the Tower building. Please register your attendance on the TryBooking link:


Hybrid meeting details (including link) to follow.


Agenda requests can be sent to, or (by Friday 10 May).

Sports Canteen

Welcome back for Term 2 - the biggest term in the sports canteen. We hope you can join us for a warm smile, great food and coffee at the Flats or Grandstand canteens in the coming weeks.


Looking for help from all year levels for this weekend (Saturday 4 May) to get us all back in the rhythm. Free lunch for all volunteers, and don’t forget that students can volunteer within the Mates program.


Grandstand (7:00am - 4:00pm)


Flats (7:00am - 1:00pm)


What is Saturday Sports Canteen?

  • MCA in partnership with the P&F Association operates three canteens across the Saturday sports fixtures in Terms 1, 2 and 3, providing a selection of food, drinks and hospitality for players and spectators.
  • Funds from the operation of the canteens account for around half of the P&F revenue. This in turn serves the whole school community through P&F donations towards school projects. None of this would be possible without volunteers.
  • MCA employs a Canteen Co-ordinator for overall management of the canteens (including food ordering, general canteen operational matters, set-up, and supervision of all canteens on Saturdays)
  • The P&F are responsible for organising volunteers to prepare and serve food under the direction of the Canteen Coordinator.
  • The ask is for each (Brisbane-based) family with a son playing sport to volunteer one hour per term at any Saturday Sports Canteen.

What are the duties of volunteers?

  • General duties include front counter service, minor food preparation, set up and pack-down activities.
  • The Canteen Coordinator will guide you with what needs to be done. Other rostered parents will also be able to help you.
  • Volunteers often report that it is a great opportunity to meet other parents and feel part of our Marist community.

How do I sign up?

  • Rostered year groups and Sign-Up sheet links will be communicated in each NewsletterYear Group Facebook pages and MCA App across Tuesday to Thursday each week:
  • Once the fixtures are published at the start of the week the P&F will roster a set of year groups to cover the canteens. 
  • As far as possible, the roster will line up with when most of your year group is playing at home. 
  • As the home-away routine does not 100% align for all teams, there may be weeks that your year group is rostered on where it doesn’t work for you to volunteer. This is OK – we just ask that somewhere in the term you complete one hour in any sports canteen.
  • The P&F will roster all year levels on for weeks where large numbers are anticipated, or where there is some other risk to gaining the required number of volunteers.
  • If Sign-ups are full on Thursday night for all required canteen slots, no further messages will be posted:
  • A clear picture of volunteer numbers is needed by 8:00pm Thursday. If more help is needed, additional requests will be made.
  • If canteens need to close for low volunteer numbers, this will generally result in ordered/prepared food being thrown out, which we all want to avoid.
  • Getting registered early in the week whenever you can also helps to encourage others to sign up. This is particularly important for new people volunteering in the canteens, or people who prefer to serve with someone they know.

Can students volunteer?

  • Canteen volunteering is available for students who wish to provide service within the MATES program
  • Counter service only – no grills, or deep fryers
  • Years 11 and 12 can Sign-Up and serve without a parent/guardian;
  • Years 5-10 need to Sign-Up and serve with a parent or guardian.
  • Students need to be in uniform, 
  • On completion of the shift, students need to fill in the MATES sheet located in each canteen and ensure the Canteen Coordinator initials this.

We look forward to seeing you in Term 2!