Parents & Friends 

Dear All


Welcome back to Term 2. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter and fabulous time with your families.


We have had a busy week so far with School Photos.  Our children and teachers looked very sharp. Can’t wait to see them!


We had our first Uniform Shop for the Term for all our Winter Uniform needs.  The next Uniform shop will be open on Tuesday 23rd April 2024 from 3:15pm until 3:45pm in the Community Room, and again on Tuesday 2nd May. Thanks to Chris and Holly for running it for us.  


A massive THANK YOU to all that have helped with the Working Bees so far. Tomorrow's working bee will be cancelled.  Our next ones will be held on Friday 3rd May 2024 from 3:30pm until 6pm and again on Friday 17th May 2024 from 3:30pm until 6pm.  If you’re free to help in any way, whether it be cooking the BBQ, supervising the children or on the tools, please let your class reps know. 


Friday 17th May 2024 will also be Walk to School Day and the P&F will be hosting a breakfast for all the students from 8:20am.


The awesome Dads from our St Mary’s families will be hosting Mother’s Day Breakfast and Morning Tea on Friday 10th May 2024 at 7:30am, so if you would like to help with organizing the day could you express your interest via this link.


We are also asking for some Mother’s Day raffle items.  If you would like to donate any items, please drop them off in the office by Tuesday 7th May 2024.  Thank you. 


Tickets are now on sale via the link:



On behalf of the P&F Team thank you in advance for all your continued support.  Let us pay our respects to the ANZAC’s, Lest We Forget!


