Religious Education News 

Jessica Earle - Religious Education Leader 

Dear St Mary’s community,


Welcome back to a new Term - I hope you had a beautiful and restful break. 

It was good to see a few students at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Easter exploring the traditions of our Church. Just a short reminder that Easter is a number of weeks long and that we can continue to celebrate this wonderful season by continuing to wish others a Happy Easter.


Easter marks the time of the Lord’s rising from the dead - saving the world bringing us new life in Heaven. Now is a good time to celebrate, reflect on what we are grateful for and to rejoice knowing that the Lord’s mercy is there for us to receive.


Alleluia Day

Last Term we ended our liturgy on a solemn note - looking at Christ’s life in the lead up to His death. Now we can celebrate that the stone has been rolled away and that He is alive. On Monday 22nd April 2024 at 2:25pm (first lunch bell) the school will enjoy being able to sing and dance together to the song Alleluia He Is Risen by Michael Mangan.


St Vincent De Paul - Mini Vinnies

Our Faith and Social Justice leaders are working on a plan to found St Mary’s Mini Vinnies. They will soon present their ideas to the team at St Vincent De Paul. Please look out for news associated with this activity.


Social Justice Project - Letters to East Timor

Heather is a woman who started a project to help students in East Timor to undertake university studies in areas of most need to their community. The students are working hard and have wonderful facilities thanks to her hard work but she would like to ask for our help with her project to teach them better literacy skills in English. As a school we will work on a letter writing project to help students in East Timor learn how to read and write. If you or your child have any ideas for getting involved please encourage them to speak with our Faith and Social Justice leaders Pia and Olive in Year 6.


Liturgy Group

For students who have already received their first communion we are looking to form a very simple liturgy group who could do things such as - join the procession taking up the crucifix and candles, as well as lead prayer initiatives within the school to support our Year 6 Faith and Social Justice leaders. If your child would like to take part in this group please talk with Pia and Olive in Year 6 who will help to organise this group. 


Mary of Nazareth Parish Movie Night

Families might be interested in attending the upcoming movie night at the Parish Hall Friday 17 May 6.30pm. The Parish will be showing the 2023 film Mary of Nazareth which is a dramatisation representing the life of Mary from her birth till her Son’s death.


Important Dates Upcoming:

Friday 19 April 2024 9.15am Mass with Prep & Year 3

Wednesday 1 May 2024 6pm Family Faith Night First Eucharist Year 4

Sunday 5 May 2024 5.30pm Middle School at Mass

Friday 10 May 2024 9.15am Mass for Mothers Day with the Whole School

Friday 24 May 2024 9.15am Mass with Year 1 and 2

Friday 31 May 2024 9.15am Mass with Year 4

Sunday 2 June 2024 10.30am First Eucharist Year 4 Corpus Christi SUNDAY Year B

Friday 7 June 2024 9.15am Sacred Heart Mass with the Whole School

Friday 21 June 2024 9.15am Mass with 5/6M and 5/6D


God bless and please continue to have a joyful Easter season,

Jes Earle