Around the School

This Year in Performing Arts - 2024
This year we are focusing on performing in different contexts, performing in class time, performing at school events, such as the Art Show and also reviewing performances we see or experience.
Term 2
During Term 2 we are working on how movement and music express moods and messages. In particular, we are going to focus on music and dance for celebrations and ways we can enjoy being in an ensemble together.
Well done preps on finishing your first Term. This Term we are now going to work on learning all the party dances you might come across in your lives at discos or special events. We are also going to learn how to move our bodies following a sequence and how to plan and remember dances. Towards the end of Term we will begin to explore how to make music as an ensemble together exploring concepts such as start and stop, loud and soft and fast and slow!
Year 1 and 2
This Term Years 1 and 2 are going to work on learning all the party dances you might come across in your lives at discos or special events. We are also going to learn how to move our bodies following a sequence and how to plan and remember dances as well as thinking about what these dances communicate and how they are inclusive of all in our community. Towards the end of Term we will begin to explore how to make music as an ensemble together exploring concepts such as start and stop, loud and soft and fast and slow! In particular we will explore songs from our local community - such as Football songs!
Year 3 and 4
This Term Years 3 and 4 are going to work on learning all the party dances you might come across in your lives at discos or special events. We will think about what these dances communicate and how they are inclusive of all in our community and begin to choreograph our own dances together. Years 3 and 4 will also explore music ensemble work across the Term with Year 3’s focusing on playing the recorder and year 4’s focusing on learning different percussion instruments. Together we will work on reading notes and interpreting graphic notation. We didn’t quite finish the performance aspect of our dramatic plays in Term 1, but will revisit these in Term 3 when we prepare for the Art Show!
Year 5 and 6
This Term Years 5 and 6 are going to work on learning line dances, party dances and bush dances which bring communities together. We will think about what these dances communicate and how they are inclusive of all in our community and begin to choreograph our own dances together as well as teaching these to other in our community. We will undergo a full choreographic design process including how to write instructions so that other classes can learn our dances which will will design to communicate our own ideas. Year 5 and 6 will also look into songs in the community, such as film scores, football songs and songs in advertising and how the elements of music are used to influence the listener to hear a concept or idea being communicated through the music.
Parents: How Can You Get Involved?
Thank you parents for expressing your interest in helping to build Marimbas. I’ll be in touch soon with a good date for catching up to meet. If you would like to help please feel free to email me at: