P&F News

P&F Facebook Page
Please like the P&F Facebook Page to keep up to date with all their happenings.
The current committee would love to see some new faces join us in 2024, so if you’re new to our school community and looking to get involved, or a long time member that’s ready to step up, please come along! The existing executive committee have indicated a willingness to return to their roles again should they be nominated, so if you’re hesitant to attend for fear of landing a “big job” - fear not! We have lots of fun when fundraising and would love some more hands on deck to assist us.
Debutante Ball
The Catholic Debutante ball was held Friday 5 April. St Joseph’s parish allows the P & F to run the ball each year as one of their main fundraisers, and the committee would like to give thanks to the parish for allowing us the opportunity again.
This year, 18 young ladies made their debut supported by their partners and families at the Glitz, Glam & Gatsby Ball. St Xavier’s students, Walker Tudgey & Tahlia Sheridan stole the show as page boy and flower girl, and the debutantes and their partners performed 2 formal dances and 1 fun dance. The dances can be seen on the P & F’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/gunnedahcatholicschoolspandf
Coming Soon!
The cookie dough fundraiser is happening again this year!
Details will be shared with families soon via Compass.