Tasmanian Parliamentary Labor Leader

New Tasmanian Parliamentary Labor Leader

38-year-old Dean Winter has assumed the leadership of the Tasmanian Parliamentary Labor Party following the resignation of its former leader, Rebecca White.


Dean was re-elected in the Franklin division at the recent election.


Dean attended the College from 1998–2001, having previously attended St Aloysius School in Kingston. In his final year, he was a prefect and captained the senior cricket team. Dean went on to study economics at the University of Tasmania. He was the CEO at TasICT, the peak body representing Tasmania’s information, communications, and technology sectors. From 2014 to 2018, he held senior roles within the Tasmanian arms of iiNet, TPG, and Optus Business.


Dean was elected as a Kingborough Councillor in 2014.  In 2018, at the age of 33, he was elected as Mayor of Kingborough, the youngest mayor in Kingborough’s 110-year history.

Only after the intervention of the Federal Labor Party was he included on the party’s ticket for the Franklin Division in the May 2021 State Election. He was duly elected.


He went on to serve as Leader of Opposition Business in the House of Assembly, Shadow Minister for Economic Development, Shadow Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, Shadow Minister for Racing, and Shadow Minister for Finance.


Other notable Old Virgilian Tasmanian Labor Party Identities

Albert George Ogilvie (10 March 1890–10 June 1939) was an Australian politician and Premier of Tasmania from 22 June 1934 until his death on 10 June 1939. Albert did not attend St Virgil’s College but was instrumental in founding the Old Virgilians Association. He became its inaugural president, a position he held for twelve years.


Roy Frederick Fagan (28 December 1905–18 July 1990) was an Australian Labor Party politician, who was Deputy Premier of Tasmania from 1959 to 1969. Roy hailed from Waratah on the West Coast and boarded at the College from 1916-1919.


Douglas Ackley Lowe AM (15 May 1942) was the 35th Premier of Tasmania, from 1 December 1977 to 11 November 1981. Doug attended St Virgils from 1950–1959.


Paul Anthony Lennon AO (8 October 1955) was a Labor Party politician. He was Premier of Tasmania from 21 March 2004 until his resignation on 26 May 2008. Paul was a student at St Virgils from 1965-1973.

Albert Ogilvie
Roy Fagan
Doug Lowe
Paul Lennon
Albert Ogilvie
Roy Fagan
Doug Lowe
Paul Lennon


Congratulations to Nick Street

Nick retained his House of Assembly seat in the recent election. Nick attended St Virgils from 1990-94.


He served time on the Kingborough Council before he stood for a House of Assembly seat. He was first elected to Parliament in 2016.


In the previous Rockcliff Liberal Government, Nick held the following portfolios: Minister for Housing and Construction, Minister for Local Government, Minister for Sport and Recreation, and Minister for Stadia and Events.