Principal's Report

Welcome back to another action packed  term. I trust everyone enjoyed a rejuvenating break and is now prepared to dive into Term 2.


During the holidays, it was heartening to witness the significant turnout of our students at this year's ANZAC Dawn Service and March. I extend my sincere thanks to the students and their families for their attendance, as well as to the dedicated staff members who participated. Special commendations go to our School Leadership team for demonstrating exemplary leadership qualities, and to Kolby Martin and Charlotte McHarg for delivering outstanding ANZAC addresses. Keep an eye for photos in this newsletter.


I've noticed that some parents and members of the community are airing grievances on the Glen Innes social page on Facebook. I kindly request that any concerns be addressed directly with the school to facilitate open discussion and resolution, rather than resorting to public forums which may hinder constructive dialogue. Additionally, if any parent has concerns about their student, please reach out to the school to schedule a meeting with the appropriate staff member. Our Parents and Citizens (P&C) association serves as a platform for constructive discussions and community feedback, not for airing personal grievances.


A friendly reminder to students and parents/carers: our school premises are designated as gum-free zones. We've observed an increase in students chewing gum on-site, resulting in litter found throughout the school in inappropriate places such as under tables and chairs.


There has also been a noticeable rise in phone usage among students since returning. Let's not forget the Department of Education's phone policy, which prohibits the use of mobile phones on school grounds or during excursions by students. Phones should remain securely stored in students' school bags at all times. Timetables can be accessed through Sentral on their laptops, office or posted around the school, eliminating the need for phone usage to check schedules.


This week, the school has distributed an general extra-curricular notice via email. We kindly ask that all parents and students carefully review and sign the agreement by May 31st. Students who haven't signed the notice may not be eligible to represent the school. We extend our gratitude to all parents/carers who have already completed this. We've received an outstanding number of initial responses. Additionally, next week, all families will receive a general permission note. This document authorizes the school to take students on local excursions and events and permits them to watch G and PG movies related to their curriculum. We kindly request that this slip be signed by June 7th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.


It has brought to my attention that students are not exiting the school in a safe manner. I ask all students  to use the designated pedestrian crossings and avoiding crossing the road directly outside the front gate, This way we can create a safer environment for everyone. ( Students, parents, bus drivers and wider community drivers)

Remember, your safety is in your hands. Make the conscious choice to follow pedestrian safety protocols and encourage your friends and classmates to do the same. Together, we can create a culture of responsible and safe behaviour on our street. I would encourage parents picking up students  to use the rear of the school.


In Term 2, there have been adjustments to the sports program, with sports now being integrated through the timetable rather than having a set sports days for Years 7 to Year 10. Next week, parents will receive an email detailing the associated expenses. We appreciate your ongoing support


Lastly, we'd like to express gratitude for your patience and understanding regarding our persistent phone line issue. We've recently received confirmation that our phone lines will undergo an update within the next few weeks. We eagerly anticipate the return of fully functional phones.