Term 1 Culture Camps

We are excited to share the highlights of our recent cultural camps held at "The Willows", a property owned and managed by the Local Aboriginal Land Council. Over the course of Term 1, our Year 7-10 students embarked on an unforgettable journey of cultural immersion, team building, and outdoor adventure, accompanied by Aboriginal Elders, Tutors, Teaching Staff, and Year Advisors.


The camp provided a unique opportunity for our students to connect with Aboriginal culture and traditions in a meaningful way. Through hands-on workshops led by knowledgeable Elders and tutors, students delved into activities such as bush medicine, weaving, and traditional tool making. These experiences not only enriched their understanding of Indigenous knowledge and craftsmanship but also fostered a deep appreciation for the land and its significance to Aboriginal communities.


Central to the camp experience were the activities designed to strengthen relationships among peers and mentors. From collaborative tasks to guided bush walks and night explorations, students embraced the spirit of camaraderie and unity, forging lasting bonds with their fellow campers and mentors.


One of the highlights of the camp was the opportunity for students to engage in catch-and-release fishing. This not only provided a chance for outdoor recreation but also instilled values of patience, respect for nature, and ethical fishing practices.

As students reflected on their experiences at "The Willows", they shared stories of personal growth, cultural discovery, and newfound friendships. The memories created during this camp will undoubtedly stay with them for years to come, serving as a source of inspiration and connection to the wider community.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Aboriginal Elders, tutors, teaching staff, and Year Advisors whose dedication and support made this cultural camp possible. We look forward to building on these experiences and continuing to provide our students with opportunities for holistic growth and learning.


Here are a few reflections from the students regarding the camp experience.

Cultural camp was a surprise for some who had never had such an experience of bush treks, swimming, sleeping in tents and stargazing. Whether we had done this or not, it really fulfilled us all with what felt like a true deep connection with the land. Every tall hill, valley and parts of the river through to the rocks and stones was gorgeous. The respect for the land from the local people was quite inspiring and the activities we did were rather entertaining, especially in such an enchanted land. I desperately hope we have the opportunity to come back to “The Willows” Gus Year 7 


The camp was good. The activities I enjoyed were fishing, the nature walks, observing the waterfalls and camping under the stars. I would have liked it more if we got to go for a longer period and camped out further, but it was a good time, and I would do it all again and I enjoyed it.Macauley Year 9 


The best thing about the Cultural Camp was mainly the swimming at the waterfalls and in the river, the late-night walk, sitting around the campfire, cultural talk, weaving, fishing, games and taking pictures. Maybe next time we could do more cultural activities like coolamon making, group activities, linger stay, camping as a group. Tyra Year 9 


During the Year 10 camp I enjoyed going fishing and exploring the gorges. I also enjoyed sitting around the campfire just talking to mates and getting to know people better. It would have been one of the best camping trips except for the walk at the start and the rain, but all round an awesome trip and I would love to see more of them.Rex Year 10 


Really good, loved being out in nature, loved the hills, swimming, rock hopping, the food was simple yet good, very inclusive with team building and bonding. Would have preferred if the girls and boys could have joined for hikes, dinners or even to fish, but overall was a nice and relaxing time away from school, work etc. Once a semester would be good and maybe whole year bonding rather than gender separated.  - Dakoda Year 10 

Year 7 Camp Photos

Year 8 Camp Photos

Year 9 Camp Photos

Year 10 Camp Photos

We hope you enjoyed the photos.