Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom -
With our House Cross Country Carnival in the rear view mirror for another year, our students from F-6 have been very pleased to (finally) shift our focus in PE classes. This week our Foundation to Year 2 students began a unit on throwing and catching. In Foundation this unit will take the form of basic skill development, while our Year 1s and 2s will build upon prior knowledge, before then applying this knowledge in various game-based scenarios. Meanwhile, our 3-6 students have just begun a unit on wall and net sports. Over the next few weeks, this unit will provide these students with the opportunity to engage in sports such as downball, tennis, volleyball and badminton. This will focus on the basic rules and skills associated with each of these sports in Years 3 and 4, while our Year 5 and 6 students will be exploring a deeper, more comprehensive consideration of tactics and strategic thinking in wall and net sports.
Sporting Events -
After many decades of cross country being run at Koonung Creek Reserve, we found ourselves at Leigh Park in Week 1 of Term 2 for the 2024 BPPS Cross Country Carnival. While the new venue and new course saw a shift from tradition, what didn't change was the absolutely fantastic efforts demonstrated by our students, all the way from Foundation up to Year 6. Congratulations to all of the students that attended on the day - every single one of them brought their A-game, and should be so proud of themselves for doing so. Reflecting on the event, it was certainly a day of highlights, but I've tried to share a few of the special moments below:
- The incredible photo finish between Max Tam and Harvey Wallens in the 12/13 boys trials (I still don't think my heart rate has recovered)!
- Maddie Duong's insane pace, including a (mostly unnecessary) sprint to the finish line in the 12/13 girls event - leaving a pack of very talented runners in her wake.
- The Foundation students, who decided that they didn't much care for the course that I had set out for them, so decided to ignore the cones and make their own track instead.
- The absolutely great vibes coming from the Year 2 boys and girls in the lead up to, during and then following their event - the perfect example of what cross country and competition is all about!
Such a successful day bodes well for BPPS ahead of the District Cross Country Carnival, which will be taking place on Friday 10th May. We will have just over 60 students from 3-6 attend this event and I for one absolutely can not wait to see our students back out there on the track. Good luck to all of our students that will be attending this event - I'll see you at our training sessions!
Thanks for reading!
Philip Wickham