From the 1/2 Classrooms

2024 Cross Country
Wow, what a wonderful way to start Term 2! The students in Grade 1 and 2 have been practising hard during Term 1 in the physical education classes by running laps to the top oval, attending fitness club and encouraging families to do some running over the school holidays to be prepared for the annual BPPS cross country event. Students were encouraged to do their best and to have fun. The teachers were very proud of all the students building up their fitness and displaying resilience. As the students crossed the finish line, there were lots of huge smiles on their faces that they had completed the event.
The students in Grade 1 and 2 completed a reflection on the Cross Country about what they enjoyed, what they found challenging and what they might try and do next time.
Here are some student reflections:
Here are some images of the happy, tired, pleased, elated, ready to run and persistent faces of the students:
From Team 1/2 teachers: Paula Paziotis, Karin Tsiandikos-Huf, Maryanne Cozzio and Llaaneath Poor.