Kinder visit

On the morning of Monday 18th of March, nine students from 1PT walked down to Boroondara Pre-school to share their reading skills with the four year old kinder group. Accompanied by Ms Schultz and Miss Jones, these nine students were so excited to visit their old kinder, catch up with their kindergarten educators and share a book with the kindergarten students.
We were blessed with perfect weather and were able to sit down outside and read to our four year old friends. All 1PT students read clearly and calmly and the kindergarten educators were so impressed at how calm and engaged their students were during this session.
Well down 1PT for sharing your reading skills with the students at Boroondara Pre-School! You all behaved impeccably and entertained the kindergarten children with your stories.
Well done to you all!
With the success of this session we hope to organise more future activities with our local kindergartens!
Miss Jones and Ms Schultz.