Team Foundation News

Firefighters visit FKJ - visit number 2!
On Wednesday 27th of March Team Foundation students had their second fire fighter visit. On this day the students reviewed the fire safety tips from the first fire fighter visit. They talked about where to meet up with your family, if your home ever caught fire. Students also shared how many smoke alarms they had in their homes. Did you know that when you are asleep your sense of smell turns off? That is why a working smoke alarm is incredibly important to have in a home.
The fire fighters also taught the Foundation students what they should do if their clothing were to catch on fire. The fire fighters shared 4 important steps to remember - STOP, DROP, COVER and ROLL.
STOP - what you are doing.
DROP- onto the ground.
COVER - your face with your hands.
ROLL - roll around on the ground to extinguish the flames.
The next part of the session was the most exciting part of the visit! It was time to go outside and experience the fire hose and engine! Foundation students each had a turn at holding the fire hose and pretended to extinguish a fire. The water that came out of the hose was so powerful and almost knocked a few students over! Luckily the strong fire fighters were there as back up and helped us with this task!
Afterwards the students were then allowed to go and explore the fire engine and discover what it looks like from the inside. Students realised that a fire engine from the inside looked very different from their own family car.
At the end of the experience the fire fighters had to empty out the water from the engines. This water ran out onto the road and ran down into the storm water drain.
The students had a wonderful time meeting the Fire Fighters from our local community. They learnt that fire fighters are people who are there to help us if we are ever in need. Hopefully we will never need their help, but it is definitely reassuring to know that they are there if we ever need them!
Week 8 Echi Echidna Adventures - Adrian
In Week 8 Adrian took Echi home and had many exciting adventures together! Adrian kindly shared his toys with Echi, they also sat and watched television together and then had a wonderful afternoon tea at Peppa Pig's house! Yum! Well done Adrian for sharing these lovely adventures with Echi! We all enjoyed listening to you share the fun times that you had with our classroom mascot! Great job Adrian!
Term 2 Echi Adventures
Week 1 Echi Adventures - Tida
In the first week of Term 2, Tida took Echi home. Tida had so much fun with Echi! They travelled to the huge shop Costo and explored the aisles together. Tida made sure that Echi did not get lost and put him inside her jumper. Thank you Tida for taking such good care of Echi! Echi played many games with Tida. They rode Tida's scooter, played on the school playground and watched some fun cartoons on television! Echi also met Tida's Aunty! Tida carefully shared some interesting facts about Echi; describing his long nose, black eyes and spiney spikes (even though our Echi is soft!) Thank you Tida for sharing your wonderful adventures with Echi! We loved hearing about all the fun things you did with him!
Thank you to Adrian and Tida's parents for their support in organising these adventures! We look forward to hearing more adventures soon!