
This term, students will be exploring, revising and practicing French vocabulary and phrases relating to change and weather.
Foundation students will focus on seasons and weather through a rap song.
After listening and practicing songs such as "Les jours" and "Les Mois", Grade 1 and 2 will look at remembering French words for days of the week and months of the year.
Grade 3 and 4 will be exploring a short list of basic weather expressions to create visual displays for the French room.
To create a bilingual and aural children's book on the weather, Grade 5 and 6 will revise and explore weather expressions through a song entitled "Quel Temps fait-il?" and post their digital work on Seesaw.
As I will be on Long Service Leave from week 2 to week 6 this term, Mr. Roast will be taking my classes.
Au revoir,
Madame Higgins