Last term JSC raised $269.45 for the Royal Children Hospital's Good Friday Appeal which, overall, raised a spectacular $23,368,724 for the Hospital!
This term JSC is planning to:
-Help sell Anzac badges and pins in support of our defence forces and veterans.
Students will be given to purchase items at the front office or when JSC students come to their rooms in the period leading up to Anzac Day.
-Run a second fund raiser to complete the funds required for the annual sponsorship for our World Vision child. Students will be able to wear casual dress, with colours relating to the Kenyan flag. Gold coins donations will be collected in support of this cause.
JSC met on Wednesday, April 17.
Mrs Reeves will hold the next meeting (date TBC) in my absence as I will be away on LSL till May 21.
Mrs. Higgins