Ms Dzaferovic AP Message

Ramadan Kareem to all our families observing this holy month. Wishing you a safe, peaceful, and enlightening Ramadan.

Curriculum Day

Yesterday, our teachers had the opportunity to engage in professional learning during Curriculum Day, facilitated by our consultant Bron Ryrie-Jones and Brydon.

The session was guided by key improvement strategies outlined in our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), with a focus on refining formative assessment approaches to enhance planning, teaching, and student learning in Mathematics.

The first part of the day revisited key principles and models of learning, particularly how the brain acquires knowledge. Teachers explored the following key concepts:

  • Cycle of Responsive Teaching
  • Planning for Opportunities to Respond
  • Instructional Hierarchy
  • Review and Refinement of Daily Review Practices in Classrooms

As a professional learning community, we are committed to equipping every teacher with the skills and knowledge necessary to deliver a high-quality program for all learners. Professional learning days are invaluable in achieving this goal.

In the coming terms, families will have the opportunity to observe these practices in action through our open classrooms:

  • Numeracy – May 12 @ 9 AM
  • Literacy – August 8 @ 9 AM

We look forward to welcoming you!


NAPLAN assessments for Year 3 and Year 5 students at TPS will take place from Wednesday, 12 March to Monday, 17 March 2025, with an additional two-week period allocated for catch-up tests in case of student absences.

NAPLAN consists of assessments in four key areas:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Language Conventions (spelling, grammar, and punctuation)
  • Numeracy


    NAPLAN Assessment Schedule:

  • Writing – Wednesday, 12 March
  • Reading – Thursday, 13 March
  • Language Conventions – Thursday, 13 March
  • Mathematics – Monday, 17 March

Most assessments will begin at 9:10 AM, so it is important for your child to arrive at school on time each day. Each test will take approximately 45–50 minutes, with extra time allowances provided for eligible students. While we understand that some students may feel anxious, we encourage families to reassure them that these assessments are similar to regular school tasks and to simply do their best.



Ms Suada Dzaferovic

Assistant Principal