News from Cherie Spannenburg

Head of Music

Music Camp

On the weekend of 28 February, the Combined College Ensembles had a music camp at Saints. Students from the Wind Ensemble, Concert Band and String Orchestra rehearsed and workshopped with Clinician Craig Kennedy from Brisbane culminating in a concert on the Sunday afternoon. The students also engaged in team building activities to get to know one another better to work within this team environment. The hours of rehearsal were the equivalent of almost a full term's worth of rehearsals, which was a wonderful catapult into the year musically for those ensembles. Thank you to all our teachers who gave up their weekend to be with the students, and congratulations to all the students who attended on the wonderful work you did.


Early in March, six of our students participated in the State Honours Ensemble Program run by the Conservatorium of Music (Griffith University). These students were nominated by their teachers based on a minimum performance standard. The students worked from Friday after school through to the concert on Sunday afternoon. Congratulation to Jimmy, Trombone; Taiga, Saxophone; Siaosi, Voice; Elliot, Trumpet; Lewis, Trumpet; Oliver, Saxophone.




Assessment & Diaries

All students receive a copy of their lesson timetables at the beginning of term. These lesson times should be written into their diaries immediately. When they receive their Assessment and Excursion planners in the early weeks of each term, they should also write this information into their diaries. Clashes with lesson times and assessment can then be identified early and requests for changes to lesson times can be made. Cancellations of lessons with less than 24 hours notice (with the exception of illness) means that a lesson is still invoiced. 


As most of our instructors work at the College for only one day or less per week, it is very difficult for them to changes lesson times. It requires communication with the students affected as well as the student office. Many students don’t respond to their communication, further complicating the process. Please assist your son to be organised by ensuring the above information is recorded in their diaries.


Friends of the Arts

For all our new families, we have a group called Friends of the Arts where parents are contacted when we need help with the logistics or organisation of events. For example, we might need a couple of parents at the door for a concert to collect gold coin donations or sell raffle tickets for fundraising. If you are interested in being on that email list and have a little time to help us out occasionally, we’d love to hear from you. Please email me at and let me know you’re keen to help. 



Our program is busy and vibrant with many opportunities for performances. We entertain at assemblies, perform in productions and music nights as well as provide liturgical music for the College. There are plenty of performance opportunities for our students.


Information for events and performances can be found on the Arts Department Facebook page. There will be information in the newsletter and parent slips sent out. Below is a calendar of events planned so far. This will be added to during the year, so please reread it each edition to check that you are abreast of all that his happening, and make sure you put these dates in your diary.




Term 1


Week 10

Thurs 3 Apr

Easter LiturgyLennon HallCantors and Mass musicians


Term 2


Week 1

Thurs 24 Apr

Fri 25 Apr

Anzac Assembly

Anzac Dawn Service

Lennon Hall

Cairns RSL

Saints Big Band

College Choir

Week 3

Thurs 8 May

Mother’s Day AssemblyLennon HallTBA

Week 5

23-25 May

Choir CampSt Monica’s CollegeSaints Choir

Week 6

Tues 27 May

Saints Unplugged JuniorL105Assorted soloists
Thurs 29 MaySaints Unplugged SeniorL105Assorted soloists
31 May–1 JuneQREP - FNQSaints Music BlockJazz and contemporary musicians

Week 7

Fri 6 June

Champagnat MassLennon HallCantors and Mass musicians

Week 9

Fri 20 June

Parents In Touch

Dr Anita Collins

Lennon HallAll diocesan music parents

Week 10

16–19 June

Cairns & District Junior EisteddfodCPAC

CSC Wind Ensemble Saints Percussion Ensemble

Saints Choir

CSC String Ensemble

Saints Big Band


Term 3


Week 1

Thurs 17 July

Academic Assembly

Lennon Hall



 Cairns Show PerformanceCairns ShowSaints Big Band

Week 3

Thurs 31 July

NAIDOC AssemblyLennon HallTBA

Week 5

Thurs 14 Aug

Assumption MassSt Monica’s CathedralCantors

Week 5

14-17 Aug

QCMF Villanova College BrisbaneSaints Big Band, Saints Percussion Ensemble, Saints Choir, Saints Rock Band

Week 7

Tues 26 Aug

Cerise & Blue Open EveningSaintsAll ensembles

Week 8

Thurs 4 Sept

Father’s Day AssemblyLennon HallTBA
Fri 5 SeptPrimary IM WorkshopsLennon Hall and Music BlockCSC Concert Band + primary schools

Week 9

Wed 10 Sept

Ensemble photosLennon HallAll ensembles, musical cast, orchestra and crew
Thurs 11 SeptSaints Unplugged SeniorL105Assorted soloists


Term 4


Week 1

7-8 Oct

Recording ensembles with CQUSaints Music BlockAll combined ensembles

Week 3

Thurs 23 Oct

Valedictory Mass & AssemblyLennon HallCantors, Mass musicians, senior music class

Week 4

Thurs 30 Oct

Tom Thum IncursionSt Joseph’s HallYear 7 plus 8, 9, 10 and 11 Music classes

Week 6

Tues 13 Nov

Saints Unplugged JuniorL105Assorted soloists

Week 7

Friday 21 Nov

Annual Awards EveningLennon Hall

Saints Percussion Ensemble

Saints Choir

Saints Big Band

Week 8

Fri 28 Nov

Advent LiturgyLennon HallCantors and Mass musicians