News from Brett Toombs

Director of Boarding

Boarders of the week

Congratulations to our boarders of the week for Weeks 6 and 7. These students demonstrated positive and affirming attitudes towards their peers and staff to make their residences vibrant and enjoyable over the past few weeks:


Junior Girls Boarders of the Week – Hayley Gillam and Kaiya Thaiday

Junior Boys Boarders of the Week – Mixie Lui and Bob Paipai

Senior Girls Boarders of the Week – Ceanne Sabatino and Kirtisha Foster

Senior Boys Boarders of the Week – Leo Pezzelato and Cadell Ryan

End of term departures

The end of term is fast approaching, with all students finishing on Friday 4 April. Thanks to those families who have sent transport and travel details to the respective heads of residence. So we can finalise transport arrangements for our boarders, including arrival details for next term, please ensure all information is sent to the College in the next week. Boarders are expected back at Saints for Term 2 on Tuesday 22 April, between 3 and 8pm.


Tablelands Country Dinner

Saints boarding is looking forward to visiting our families on the Tablelands, where we will be hosting a dinner on Friday 28 March at 6pm at the Tolga Hotel. We look forward to catching up with many of our families from the area. This is always a very nice event, and during the day, Ms Price, boarding students and I will be visiting local Catholic primary schools to talk about our boarding program. We also look forward to attending the FNQ Rotary Field Day in May.


A reminder to all boarders and their families that the boarding travel day on Friday 4 April is only for those who travel long distances home. Weekly boarders must be at school until the final bell on that Friday.


Free weekend

 Our boarders are enjoying a free weekend. Those on leave are due back at the College by 8pm on Sunday or they should contact their head of residence in advance if returning Monday morning. Thank you to families who have approved leave request for this weekend. Those who are staying in will be able to prepare for Week 9 block exams and enjoy some planned activities. We look forward to the Saturday outing to the Woree Aquatic Centre.  


When families are coming to Cairns, we certainly appreciate and encourage them to visit their children or take them out on weekends. We do, however, ask that at least 24 hours' notice is given to the head of residence so this can be approved and planned for. 


Extracurricular activities

We encourage our boarders to be involved in community activities outside the College. This is usually in the form of team sports or individual pursuits. If a boarder wants to be involved in such an activity, they submit an Extracurricular Activities form to their head of residence. Following some discussion, I sign off on this. A boarder will only be permitted to attend a school or external activity after this form has been signed by parents or carers and me. 


Student illness

Over the past few weeks, we have had some illness in the residences. If weekly boarders are unwell can families please keep them at home until they are better. While this is not always possible with the nature of boarding, it does help limit the spread of illness.  


Boarders' laundry

Several items of recreational clothing without identification remain unclaimed. We have asked boarders to check whether they are missing any clothing so they can collect this unclaimed laundry.  


Saturday outings

While our Saturday outing program has had its challenges due to the wet weather, we have gone skating and enjoyed some excellent trips to Port Douglas, Babinda Boulders, Yellow and Red Arrow, Trinity Beach. These outings are a real feature of boarding, as they bring together full-time boarders and allow a relaxed environment for social activity.


Wishing all families an enjoyable week ahead.



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