News from Glen Seivers 

College Principal

At St Augustine’s, we are continually reflecting on how we teach and inspire our students. As part of our ongoing review of how we educate, our staff recently gathered to define our aspirations for the Saints graduate and the Saints teacher.


At the heart of these discussions was a shared desire: to nurture students who are not only achieving highly but are also good people – individuals who give back to their community, live with faith and act as responsible citizens.


This commitment to character and integrity is already evident in our students. A recent email from a member of the public praised our students at Cairns Central, highlighting their impeccable dress, manners and respect for others. This simple yet powerful recognition reflects the values we strive to instill in every Saints graduate.


I wanted to take the time to commend you and your school, and particularly all your students, who were at Cairns Central this afternoon between around 2.40pm – 3pm. They were all, every one of them, impeccably dressed and behaved. I even had one accidentally walk in front of me (this was a complete accident) and he apologised, very have this lovely young man with impeccable manners apologise, when he didn’t even physically make any contact with me, stood out. I was determined to find out what school they were from and luckily could see from the logo on their uniforms they were St Augustine’s students. You and the school community should feel very proud of these outstanding students.


This email may not seem like a big deal for the young man who apologised – but what an impact this has had on a member of the public. This person has been given hope that young people today will carry the future in a caring and responsible way. 


Pope Francis reminds us that even the smallest gestures – a smile, a kind word, a good deed – can be rich seeds of hope. As we continue refining our approach to teaching, we remain dedicated to shaping young men who lead with kindness, serve with humility and bring light to the world.


Marist prayer

At Marist prayer on Wednesday, Mr Brimstone's homeroom 12.4 used the following prayer to finish their message about kindness. The prayer is attributed to an 18th-century French Quaker missionary and affirms the above messages about kindness:


Marist basketball, Melbourne Grammar hockey and Fiji immersion

During the April holidays, our school will be represented in three significant extra-curricular events: we wish our senior basketball team and senior hockey team the best of luck at their respective competitions in Melbourne. Also, all the best to those young men who are going on the Fiji immersion. These experiences provide students with valuable opportunities to develop teamwork, resilience and leadership beyond the classroom, while also fostering school spirit and camaraderie. Whether competing on the court or field or engaging in meaningful service, these trips enrich our students’ education in unique and lasting ways.


A heartfelt thank you to the dedicated staff who are giving their time to make these experiences possible. Your generosity and commitment ensure that our students can participate in such invaluable opportunities, creating memories and lessons that will stay with them for years to come. We wish those involved safe travels and enriching experiences.