Karoo Parents Association (KPA)

Say hey to the KPA!
The Karoo Parent’s Association (KPA) is made up of a group of Karoo parents from all year levels, supported by the entire Karoo community, to connect parents and carers to information, news and events across the school. We organise events like Mother’s and Father’s Day stalls and morning teas, bogan bingo and trivia, and support school activities including sports nights, family nights, book week, colour run and school carnival. We also support the School Council and school fundraising activities and run the second-hand uniform stalls.
We may only be in term 1, but we’re already planning activities for the year ahead and have completed ordering for our Mother’s Day stall and run our first second-hand uniform stall at parent-teacher interviews earlier this week.
Join the KPA Community on Facebook
Stay up to date on the latest from around the school, volunteer for community events and connect with other parents and carers via the KPA Community page. Scan the QR code to join!
Come along to our AGM
The KPA is holding our next AGM on Friday 7th March at 9:10am (following drop off) in the staff room. The AGM is open to the whole Karoo community, so come along, hear what we’re working on and even join the team. All roles are open for nominations. Complete the form on Compass to nominate for a position (or click on the link below), and let us know if you can attend. We’d love to see you there.
And remember, it’s obligation free to come along to the AGM! If you don’t want to take on a particular role but would like to be part of the KPA, why not nominate for general committee?! We’d love to work with you to support the whole Karoo community.