Office news 

Compass Events

Compass is the main communication tool between home and school, with notifications from classrooms, whole school messages, event information (excursions/incursions), reminders, parent/teacher interview bookings, newsletter etc.  We strongly encourage all parents to regularly check in to avoid missing deadlines and important information.  We will endeavour to list any events requiring parent attention in each newsletter.


Events currently requiring parent consent/payment:

  • Year 1 - Headphones                   Due 12/3/25  

    (contact the school office if you wish to use SSB for headphones)

  • Year 5 - 2025 Camp balance    Due 17/3/25

School Savings Bonus and Compass

School Savings Bonus unfortunately does not automatically transfer to the Compass wallet.  SSB funds allocated to Activities from the SSB Online System are transferred to your child’s school account and then manually processed by the office to pay for events on Compass on your behalf.  Any time you wish to use SSB for events, we kindly ask that you contact the school office to arrange this. 


Please feel free to contact the school if you require further clarification.