A Day Out - VCE & Careers Expo

Creating Futures Together


Australia’s biggest education and careers event took place last week. The VCE & Careers Expo was held at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre and our year 10 students attended this amazing event on Thursday 2nd May. 


All the major TAFE and University institutions were present including the Victoria Police, Australian Defence Force and several independent providers such JMC Academy, Collarts. Information on apprenticeships, VCE study resources and VTAC (Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre) were also in attendance to offer students practical advice. 

There was certainly a buzz in the air with hundreds of students visiting exhibitors and having important conversations about course options/careers. 


Our students walked away with many resources which will provide them with guidance into possible career choices and hopefully a greater insight into their choice of VCE program/subjects moving forward. 


I would like to thank Mr. Molan for assisting me with organising this event and for the following teachers who attended to support our students – Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Lam, Mr. Stone. 


Voula Jakubicki 

Careers Coordinator