Year 7 RISE Students Shine in the Superspace Program at Monash Tech School 

Creating Futures Together

We're excited to share the unique and enriching experience our Year 7 RISE students had during their recent visit to Monash Tech School. They were part of the dynamic Superspace Program, a one-of-a-kind initiative that fosters collaboration between students from different schools. This program, rooted in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), is designed to spark curiosity and creativity in our students. 

Our students were not mere spectators in the Superspace Program. They were active participants, engaging in a variety of hands-on activities that encouraged critical thinking and teamwork. They delved into innovative technology concepts, and their practical solutions to real-world problems were a testament to their creativity and technical skills. 


From the moment they arrived, our students demonstrated an impressive level of enthusiasm and engagement. They eagerly dived into each task, approaching every challenge with open minds and a can-do attitude. Their ability to communicate their ideas respectfully and work harmoniously with peers from another school was commendable. 


One of the highlights of the visit was witnessing the joy and excitement on our students' faces as they learned about new technologies. Whether it was through interactive workshops or collaborative projects, they showed a genuine interest in understanding and applying the knowledge they gained. This passion for learning was evident in their thoughtful questions and the innovative solutions they proposed. 


The collaboration with students from a neighbouring school added an extra layer of richness to the experience. It provided our students with the opportunity to broaden their social horizons, make new friends, and appreciate diverse perspectives. Working in mixed teams, they developed essential communication and teamwork skills that will serve them well in their future educational endeavours and beyond. 


Overall, the Superspace Program at Monash Tech School was a resounding success. Our Year 7 RISE students returned with a greater appreciation for technology and a renewed enthusiasm for STEM subjects. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and the way they represented our school with dignity and respect. 


We extend our heartfelt thanks to Monash Tech School for hosting such a fantastic program and to the dedicated educators who made this experience possible. We look forward to more opportunities where our students can explore, learn, and grow in collaborative and innovative environments. 

Congratulations to our Year 7 RISE students for their outstanding participation and creativity in the Superspace Program! Keep reaching for the stars!